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Governance & Budget
Sciences Po’s statutes are unique in France in that they combine principles of public and private law, giving the institution the freedom to develop an innovative educational model within the French public higher education system.
Governing bodies: who does what
Sciences Po has a dual governance model based on two bodies: the Fondation nationale des sciences politiques (FNSP), a private foundation, and the Institut d’études politiques de Paris (IEP), a public higher education institution.
The Fondation nationale des sciences politiques (FNSP) is responsible for the strategic direction and administrative and financial management of Sciences Po. It is administered by a board of directors.
The role of the Institut d’études politiques (IEP) involves teaching, research and library services, like all international research universities. Its governing bodies are:
- The Institute’s Board of Directors, which administers the IEP
- The Student Life and Education Committee, which has a decision-making role with regard to student life matters and advises on educational matters. It has jurisdiction in disciplinary matters.
- The Academic Board is consulted on all matters regarding academic policy, research and doctoral training, academic evaluation procedures and links between teaching and research. It is also consulted on the institution’s recruitment policy for faculty and on common principles concerning faculty career development.
The Executive Committee is the institution’s operational steering committee. It brings together the directors of Sciences Po’s various divisions and offices under the authority of the president. The Executive Committee implements the strategic direction and makes operational decisions on running and managing the institution.
Sciences Po's resources have grown threefold over the past 15 years, from €55 million in 2000 to €128 million in 2010 to €197 million in 2018.
The French government’s support for the institution, in the form of structural public subsidies, has never waned. The amount of these grants has virtually doubled: from €36 million in 2000 to €63.6 million in 2010 and €69.3 million in 2018. At the same time, growth in the institution's own resources has led to a gradual decline in the relative share of public funds in Sciences Po's overall budget. This figure has decreased by more than one-third, from 66% in 2000 to 50% in 2010 and approximately 35% in 2018.
Indeed, Sciences Po's own resources have grown significantly. They have been multiplied by six: from €18.3 million in 2000, to €62.8 million in 2010, and reaching €127.2 million in 2018. These resources now account for a majority of the budget: 33% in 2000, 49% in 2010 and 60% in 2018.
Sciences Po's expenses amounted to €54.7 million in 2000, €127 million in 2010, and then €192.3 million in 2018. This growth accounts for a 7.2% annual increase.
The institution also has a longstanding commitment to providing financial aid, with an annual increase of 11.9% for this budget item since 2000. In 2018, Sciences Po dedicated an overall financial aid budget of €11.1 million.
Key Figures
multicultural campuses
international students
nationalities represented
of students receive scholarships/financial aid
members of the permanent faculty
University partnerships
dual degrees
events per year