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The Institut d’études politiques de Paris
The role of the Institut d’études politiques (IEP) involves teaching, research and library services, like all international research universities.
The Institute's board of directors
The Institute’s Board of Directors has 31 members. As well as students and staff, it brings together representatives of the permanent faculty and academics from outside Sciences Po, reflecting the central role of academics in the life of the institution and its research ambitions. Sciences Po’s leading partners (Paris City Council, local authority representatives from the regional campuses, USPC university grouping, CNRS) are also represented.
22 elected members:
- Three full professors or equivalent and one lecturer or equivalent who teach or conduct research at the IEP de Paris or in one of the research units in which the Institute takes part;
- Five teaching associate/adjunct representatives;
- One doctoral student representative;
- Eight other student representatives;
- Four non-faculty staff representatives from the FNSP, IEP de Paris or the research units of which the IEP is a part;
Five ex officio members:
- the chair of the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques
- the chair of the Academic Board
- the President of the university grouping to which the IEP belongs, or his/her representative
- the mayor of Paris or his/her representative from the Paris City Council
- the president of the French National Center for Scientific Research, or his/her representative
Five outside members appointed by the other members of the Institute’s Board of Directors:
- The president of a French or foreign higher education and/or research institution or his/her representative
- The chairperson of the local or regional council where a regional campus is located or a member of that council, or his/her representative
- Three members proposed by the president of the IEP de Paris, from academia, public affairs, business and/or the non-profit sector.
View the list of current members, the minutes and statements of decisions (FR).
Student life and education committee
The committee has 18 members:
- Three full professors or equivalent who teach or conduct research at the IEP de Paris or in one of the research units in which the Institute takes part
- One lecturer or equivalent who teaches or conducts research at the IEP de Paris or in one of the research units in which the Institute takes part
- Four teaching associate/adjunct representatives
- Eight student representatives
- Two non-faculty staff representatives from the FNSP, IEP de Paris or the research units of which the IEP is a part.
Academic board
In plenary sessions, the Academic Board has a maximum of thirty-nine members.
It has twenty ex officio members:
- the president of the IEP de Paris
- the vice president for research
- the vice president for studies and academic affairs
- the dean of the Doctoral School
- the directors of all eleven research units
- the president of OFCE and another representative appointed in accordance with OFCE procedures
- the director of one of the cross-cutting research programmes (MaxPo or LIEPP)
- the head of each academic department who is not also the director of a research unit
The Academic Board also has nineteen elected members, including a post-doctoral research assistant, three doctoral students and:
- ten members of the college of professors
- five members of the college of lecturers
The Academic Board subcommittee includes board members with the status of professor or equivalent and lecturer or equivalent. You can see the current list of members of the Academic Board and minutes here (FR).
Key Figures
multicultural campuses
international students
nationalities represented
of students receive scholarships/financial aid
members of the permanent faculty
University partnerships
dual degrees
events per year
Elections 2022 the the boards of the IEP
The student and doctoral student communities are invited to vote to renew their representatives to the Boards of the Institut d’études politiques de Paris (IEP) for the next two years.
As a result of by-elections, a portion of the permanent faculty is also invited to nominate their representatives to seats that have become vacant.