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What is Sciences Po?
Sciences Po is an international research university, both selective and open onto the world, ranking among the finest institutions in the fields of humanities and social sciences.
Sciences Po was created because its founder, Emile Boutmy, wanted to build from scratch an institution of higher education that the elites of the time lacked. One hundred and fifty years later, Sciences Po has become an international research university with 14,000 students. But the foundation of our education remains driven by the same vocation: to better understand the world in order to change it for the better.
Sciences Po stands out for combining approaches and confronting different worldviews. This tradition of diversity and multidisciplinary approach makes Sciences Po an active participant in public debate, a forum where thought meets action.
An education that promotes responsibility
Sciences Po's overarching mission is to educate future leaders in the public and private sectors. Curious and open-minded, Sciences Po graduates, regardless of their focus and trajectory, all share the ability to “learn how to learn”, which is one of the priorities of our education. However, our ambition extends even further: to educate open-minded and enlightened citizens capable of changing the world and transforming society.
A university with an international outlook
Sciences Po's international dimension was established in its founding documents. Driven by this vocation for nearly 150 years, today Sciences Po stands out as a world-class university, with internationally-recognised degrees and research, a multicultural community and a worldwide network of partners.
Fundamental education and professional focus
At Sciences Po, the finest researchers in the social sciences engage in continual dialogue with the greatest practitioners. With an academic community of more than 4,000 academics including 2,400 practitioners, the knowledge we transmit to students is nurtured by innovative research and rooted in reality.
A selective and diverse university
Sciences Po recruits its students on the basis of academic excellence. Nevertheless, it was one of the first institutions of higher learning in France to have fully assumed its social responsibilities by promoting intellectual, geographic and social diversity in its student body. Open to all talents, Sciences Po recruits students in nearly 150 countries and provides financial support to four out of every ten students.
Research to understand the world
Sciences Po is a research university in the social sciences, internationally recognised for the quality of its scientific output. Developed with a strong focus on society, research conducted at Sciences Po enriches public debate.
An institution in motion and a driver of innovation
Since it was founded nearly 150 years ago, Sciences Po has never stopped reinventing itself. More than anything, Sciences Po today is a place where new ideas can be put forward and implemented. Educational methods, academic openness, inventive tools: this flair for innovation is one of our trademarks.
Key Figures
multicultural campuses
international students
nationalities represented
of students receive scholarships/financial aid
members of the permanent faculty
University partnerships
dual degrees
events per year
QS Rankings

According to the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2025, Sciences Po ranks 4ᵉ worldwide in the “Politics” (formerly known as “Politics & International Studies”) category out of more than 1,700 international universities. For the past seven years, Sciences Po has been among the top 5 universities in this discipline internationally. The university remains 1rst in France and 1rst in the European Union (UE).
Emile Boutmy scholarship

The Emile Boutmy scholarship, named after the founder of Sciences Po, allows the best international students from outside of the European Union to study at Sciences Po. In 2015, the Emile Boutmy scholarship was awarded to 220 students from many backgrounds and countries of origin including Ghana, China, Egypt and the United States.