Home>Covid-19 Information: recommendations & frequently asked questions
Covid-19 Information: recommendations & frequently asked questions
Last updated: 12/09/2023
The barrier measures
It is no longer mandatory to wear a mask in indoor and outdoor spaces. Teachers, students and employees who wish to do so may continue to wear it.
The following rules are no longer mandatory but are still required :
- Wash hands very regularly.
- Cough and sneeze into your elbow or a tissue.
- Do not shake hands when greeting one another and avoid hugging or kissing.
- If you start to show any symptoms, contact your doctor.
Important: Rooms must be ventilated hourly, specifically by opening the classroom windows for a period of 10 minutes.
Continue testing
Since 1st March 2023, the procedures for covering Covid-19 screening tests have changed:
- All Social Security policyholders are covered whether or not they are vaccinated.
- The reimbursement of a test does not require a prior medical prescription.
- A moderating ticket is introduced which will be covered by your complementary health insurance except in certain cases where the coverage by the health insurance will be 100%, in particular:
- people benefiting from an exemption for a long-term illness;
- people aged 65 and over;
- people aged under 18;
Find a testing centre near you (Fr)
If you have tested positive for Covid-19 or been identified as a contact case at risk, please check the information on the social security dedicated webpage.
Vaccination and Vaccine Pass
The law putting an end to the exceptional regimes created to fight against the epidemic linked to Covid-19 was promulgated on 31 July 2022, after its full validation by the Constitutional Council.
The text notably puts an end to the "sanitary pass", and formally repeals, as of 1 August 2022, the part of the public health code relating to the state of health emergency as well as the health crisis management regime, marking the return to common law.
You can make an appointment at any vaccination centre via Doctolib, ViteMaDose or directly in a pharmacy.
International Travel
Since 1st August 2022, travellers no longer have to complete any additional formalities before their arrival in France. The presentation of the health pass is no longer required, regardless of the country or area of origin.
Similarly, no justification of the reason for a trip departing from France, in mainland France or overseas, nor any certificate of leaving the territory is required by the French authorities to go to another country.
On the other hand, foreign States are likely to retain specific measures and formalities for access to their territory.
To get full information about the measures and rules in force (FR) when entering and exiting France, see official guidelines on the French government website.
Health contacts
The Sciences Po Health Centre's medical staff is available on campus or remotely, by appointment only. To make an appointment, please contact pole.sante@sciencespo.fr. On the regional campuses, please contact the administrative team.
In case of emergency:
- Dial 112 for emergency services throughout the European Union
- Dial 15 for the SAMU (French emergency medical services)
- Dial 18 for your nearest fire station, which also administers first aid
- Dial 3624 for SOS médecin, a round-the-clock house visit service (calls cost 12 c/minute)
- Duty chemist/night pharmacies in Île de France (in French only) or around France (in French only)
- All hospitals have emergency services (in French only)
- Medical services near campus
Covid-19 positive or with symptoms
If you have tested positive for Covid-19 or been identified as a contact case at risk, please check the information on the social security dedicated webpage.
If you start to show any symptoms of Covid-19 (fever or feeling of fever, cough, difficulty breathing):
- Respect barrier gestures
- Warn those around you;
- Carry out a test
- Contact your GP (médecin traitant) or any doctor providing consultations. You can also call the round-the-clock health centre for your region.
- If you are having difficulty breathing, dial 15 for the emergency services.
If you have taken an antigen test or a self-test, you will need to confirm the result with a PCR test.
Please consult the Social Security recommendations (FR).
Since 1st February 2023, systematic isolation for people who test positive is no longer in place.
You must apply barrier gestures, including wearing a mask.
If your state of health does not allow you to work or come to class, your doctor will prescribe you to take time off work.
Students must send the medical certificate to their academic advisor.
- You do not need to self-isolate.
- Take a test (self-test, PCR or antigen test) on day 2 after being in contact with a positive person. In case your self-test is positive, you will need to confirm the result with a PCR.
Please contact your GP (médecin traitant) for guidance.
Latest governmental information
Useful contacts
French government helpline, accessible 24/7: 0 800 130 000
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