Home>The Sciences Po App

The Sciences Po App

Sciences Po on your mobile

Staying up to date on Sciences Po’s happenings has never been easier! Find all of our latest news and our calendar of events directly on your mobile with our app that connects you to Sciences Po in real-time.

Students, connect to the application with your Sciences Po IDs (firstname.lastname@sciencespo.fr) and find: your dashboard, your schedule (with notifications in case of changes), campus maps, CROUS menu, monitoring of your loans and booking of your seat at the Library, and all events and news from the Sciences Po community.

Faculty, connect to the application with your Sciences Po IDs (firstname.lastname@sciencespo.fr) and find: your dashboard, your schedule (with notifications in case of changes), campus maps, a guide to the resources available on campus, and all events and news from the Sciences Po community.

Want to send feedback or contribtue

Contact appsciencespo@sciencespo.fr.

Any problems: contact sos@sciencespo.fr or visit your local BDE.

Legal information

Consult the terms and conditions of use and of data processing.