Home>Alpa Shah, The Incarcerations. BK-16 and the Search for Democracy in India


Alpa Shah, The Incarcerations. BK-16 and the Search for Democracy in India

About this event

19 June 2024 from 17:30 until 19:00

Amphithéâtre Claude Érignac

13 rue de l'Université, 75007, Paris

Organized by

South Asia Program

The incarcerations - Alpa Shah

A session organized as part of the South Asia Program

Alpa Shah who is award-winning of author of Le Livres De La Jungle Insurgée, is currently a Professor of Anthropology at London School of Economics and will be the next Professor of Social Anthropology at Oxford University with a Fellowship at All Souls College.

She will present her latest book on « the Bhima-Khoregaon accused » The Incarnations. BK-16 and the Search for Democracy in India, London, HarperCollins, 2024

Sushant Singh, Lecturer at the South Asian Studies Council of Yale University, will introduce the discussion.

About this event

19 June 2024 from 17:30 until 19:00

Amphithéâtre Claude Érignac

13 rue de l'Université, 75007, Paris

Organized by

South Asia Program