Home>Experiencing Safety: Local Culture, Near Miss Accidents, and Regulatory Disempowerment
Experiencing Safety: Local Culture, Near Miss Accidents, and Regulatory Disempowerment
About this event
14 September 2018 from 11:30 until 13:00
A seminar by Garry Gray, Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Victoria (Canada) where he teaches qualitative research methods, sociology of law, and white-collar crime.
He received his PhD (2008) at the University of Toronto where he conducted a large in-depth qualitative study into industrial risks and safety culture (‘Local Safety Cultures of Risk and Regulation: Workplace Safety, Individual Responsibility, and Near Miss Accidents’).
From 2009-2011, he was a Research Fellow in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard School of Public Health where he researched the influence of organizational culture on medical errors and ethical decision-making inside hospital settings.
Then, from 2011-2015, he was a Research Fellow at the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard Law School where he conducted research on the social organization of unethical behaviour inside institutions of public trust, focusing specifically on institutional corruption in science.
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