Home>Academic Freedom & the Academic Freedom Index: measuring and framing


Academic Freedom & the Academic Freedom Index: measuring and framing

About this event

15 September 2022 from 17:00 until 20:00

Jacques Chapsal Amphitheatre

27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007, Paris

Organized by

Sciences Po
Academic Freedom Week (crédits : Sciences Po)

Watch live (on zoom)

As part of the Academic Freedom Week*, this seminar covers, as its main theme, the topic of the Academic Freedom Index/AFI.

The two main objectives are:

  1. to present the current AFI measurement initiatives by explaining methodologies and definitions and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of such an index, 
  2. to reflect on the potential of concrete uses of the index considering the current existing frameworks to defend Academic Freedom across the board. 

In the third part, recommendations will be made to Sciences Po, in particular, on how to further promote Academic Freedom. 

Introduction & Moderation 

Stéphanie Balme, Pr. Dean Sciences Po (University College/CERI); Mathieu Denis, Acting CEO and Science Director of the International Science Council (ISC

I - Measuring the Academic Freedom Index (AFI) 

  • Janika Spannagel, “The Academic Freedom Index: Background and Outlook”, Postdoc researcher at Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin; 
  • Joyce Pisarello, Director of Membership at Scholars at Risk (SAR), Florida. 

II - Framing & Debating the AFI 

  • Mabruk Derbesh, “Academic freedom from the Middle East and North Africa region perspective”, Lecturer of comparative studies and Founder of the Libyan institute for academic freedom, Laureate of the French hosting program for scientists and artists in exile (PAUSE), Paris;
  • Maria Cristina Russo, “The EUs Global Approach to Academic Freedom in a changing world – policies and perspectives”, Director for the Global Approach and International Cooperation in Research and Innovation at the European Commission, Bruxelles; 
  • Michael Murphy, “Diminishing academic freedom - universities helpless and faultless?”, President of the European University Association (EUA), Brussels; 
  • Liviu Matei, “Measure what we treasure, or treasure what we measure? Charting a course for academic freedom in Europe”, Professor of higher education and public policy, and head of the School of Education, Communication and Society at King's College, London.

III - Brainstorming/ Recommendations

Stéphanie Balme, Pr. Dean, Sciences Po, Sergei Guriev, Pr. Provost, Sciences Po (Department of Economics) and Manuel Tunon de Lara, President of France Universités.

Event organizers contacts : stephanie.balme@sciencespo.fr / paul.louedin@sciencespo.fr 


*Academic Freedom Week

All around the world, there are efforts to curtail the freedom to teach, study and conduct research. The threat may come from political and economic authorities, from the evolution of public opinion or from stakeholders within universities themselves.

As we continue to champion the cause of our colleague Fariba Adelkhah, from 14 to 16 September, Sciences Po will be hosting a week dedicated to examining all aspects of academic freedom. A series of round table discussions will bring together students, researchers, academics and university presidents to explore a variety of perspectives on the issue.

Is there a limit to the kinds of views that can or should be expressed within a university? What models can be used to bring ideas into debate on a university campus? How can we help and support academics and researchers working in countries where academic freedom is threatened? Are all sources of research funding admissible? How should we respond to demands for “safe spaces”, which shield students from any kind of hostile view? Does the use of trigger warnings to flag up sensitive texts and topics hinder the transmission of knowledge? How can NGOs help to defend academic freedom?

See detailed programme

About this event

15 September 2022 from 17:00 until 20:00

Jacques Chapsal Amphitheatre

27 rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007, Paris

Organized by

Sciences Po