Home>Population, Migrations and Development: Migration Policies and Education
Population, Migrations and Development: Migration Policies and Education
About this event
06 October 2016 from 17:00 until 20:00
International Forum organized in partnership with Sciences Po-Center for International Studies (CERI), La Sapienza University of Rome and UNESCO Chair “Population, Migrations and Development”, with guest speakers:
Catherine Wihtol de Wenden, Senior Research Fellow Emeritus, Sciences Po-CERI, CNRS
Vincenza Lomonaco, Ambassador of Italy at UNESCO
Liliana Simionescu, Programme Specialist, UNESCO, Paris
Raimondo Cagiano de Azevedo, Director, UNESCO Chair “Population, Migrations and Development”
Denise Houphouët-Boigny, Ambassador of Ivory Coast at UNESCO
Françoise Lorcerie, IREMAM, Aix-en-Provence
Giovanna Tattolo, Région Ile de France, Paris
Elena Ambrosetti, La Sapienza University of Rome
Carla Roverselli, Tor Vergata University, Rome