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News from CIVICA

Sciences Po is a founding member of CIVICA - the European University of Social Sciences, created in March 2019. CIVICA brings together today ten leading European higher education institutions in the social sciences, humanities, business management and public policy, with a total of 72,000 students and 13,000 faculty members.

Together, they build on an ever-stronger combination of teaching, research and innovation to mobilise and share knowledge as a public good and to facilitate civic responsibility in Europe and beyond. CIVICA members strive to find solutions to complex societal challenges through a series of integrated activities focused on four thematic priorities: Societies in Transition and Crises of Earth; Challenges to Democracy in the XXIst Century; Europe Revisited; and Data Driven Technologies for the Social Sciences. 

CIVICA was selected since 2019 by the European Commission as one of the pilot European Universities, funded under the Erasmus+ programme

The other members of CIVICA are: Bocconi University (Italy), Central European University (Austria and Hungary), the European University Institute (Intergovernmental), the Hertie School (Germany), IE University (Spain), the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (Romania), SGH Warsaw School of Economics (Poland), the Stockholm School of Economics (Sweden) and The London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom). 

What can CIVICA do for you?

Bachelor students

Bachelor students can enroll in:

  • The CIVICA engage track (in the framework of the mandatory Civic Learning Programme of Sciences Po's College). In order to complete the CIVICA Engage Track and receive a CIVICA Engage formal acknowledgement, students must: meet the obligations of the Sciences Po Civic Learning Programme, successfully complete an Engage Course at a CIVICA Partner University or participate in a European Week and complete a Showcase Reflective Component (graded by Sciences Po on a pass/fail basis),
  • A CIVICA European Week takes place every year at one of the partner universities.

Master students

Master students can attend:

PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty

PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and faculty can benefit from the alliance to build connection and work together:

  • Thanks to networking tools such as the PhD Clinic that gives researchers the chance to contact professors via an in-built email system,
  • Early stage researchers can attend specific courses and research conferences organised by CIVICA,
  • Faculty and postdoctoral researchers can apply for short visits to a partner university in order to foster collaborative activities (through talks and workshops, for example).

All students initiatives are also encouraged and supported, such as the futurEU – a European policy competition. At any point during their journey at Sciences Po, students can apply to become CIVICA ambassadors: to promote CIVICA's initiatives and values among their peers and network with ambassadors from the other partner universities.

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CIVICA Scholars Discuss: How Have Growth Regimes Evolved?

How have advanced capitalist economies and their welfare systems evolved since the early 1990s? To answer this question, Bruno Palier, CNRS Research Director at Sciences Po’s Centre for European Studies, and Anke Hassel, Professor of Public Policy at the Hertie School, co-wrote the book Growth and Welfare in Advanced Capitalist Economies: How Have Growth Regimes Evolved?, recently published by Oxford University Press. The volume was discussed by distinguished scholars from CIVICA universities in a webinar on 29 March 2021. We asked the authors a few questions.

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CIVICA Scholars Discuss: How Have Growth Regimes Evolved?

How have advanced capitalist economies and their welfare systems evolved since the early 1990s? To answer this question, Bruno Palier, CNRS Research Director at Sciences Po’s Centre for European Studies, and Anke Hassel, Professor of Public Policy at the Hertie School, co-wrote the book Growth and Welfare in Advanced Capitalist Economies: How Have Growth Regimes Evolved?, recently published by Oxford University Press. The volume was discussed by distinguished scholars from CIVICA universities in a webinar on 29 March 2021. We asked the authors a few questions.

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CIVICA students and PhDs open international perspectives to Premier Campus high school students

Fostering international ambitions before entering higher education: on Friday 26 February, 37 French high schoolers from Sciences Po’s Premier Campus programme participated in online discussions with student and PhD representatives from CIVICA universities across Europe. 

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CIVICA students and PhDs open international perspectives to Premier Campus high school students

Fostering international ambitions before entering higher education: on Friday 26 February, 37 French high schoolers from Sciences Po’s Premier Campus programme participated in online discussions with student and PhD representatives from CIVICA universities across Europe. 

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"Tours d'Europe": CIVICA lecture series launches with "Democracy in the Time of Pandemic"

On 15 February, Central European University (CEU) hosted the first event of the CIVICA Public Lecture Series Tours d’Europe – a new series committed to communicating social science research and knowledge from the eight partner universities into the public realm. The CIVICA Public Lecture Series convenes experts from CIVICA universities to present their research on topics currently in the news. The aim is to facilitate a direct dialogue between social science researchers and broader society and, in doing so, strengthen the public knowledge base.

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"Tours d'Europe": CIVICA lecture series launches with "Democracy in the Time of Pandemic"

On 15 February, Central European University (CEU) hosted the first event of the CIVICA Public Lecture Series Tours d’Europe – a new series committed to communicating social science research and knowledge from the eight partner universities into the public realm. The CIVICA Public Lecture Series convenes experts from CIVICA universities to present their research on topics currently in the news. The aim is to facilitate a direct dialogue between social science researchers and broader society and, in doing so, strengthen the public knowledge base.

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CIVICA Research launches with a call for collaborative research projects

How can the European Universities implement new approaches and strategies to tackle global issues shaping our future? Carsten Q. Schneider (CEU) and Guillaume Plantin (Sciences Po) mark the start of CIVICA Research activities with an introduction to the alliance’s research strategy and to its first call for research proposals. 

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CIVICA Research launches with a call for collaborative research projects

How can the European Universities implement new approaches and strategies to tackle global issues shaping our future? Carsten Q. Schneider (CEU) and Guillaume Plantin (Sciences Po) mark the start of CIVICA Research activities with an introduction to the alliance’s research strategy and to its first call for research proposals. 

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CIVICA: The Pulse of Europe

Aurélien Krejbich from Sciences Po is since 1 February 2020 the first Executive Director of CIVICA - The European University of Social Sciences. Krejbich has been involved in CIVICA since its early beginnings. In his previous role as Director of the Centre for Europe in Sciences Po’s International Affairs Division, he worked on consolidating bilateral ties with some of the future partners in the alliance. In this interview, he reflects on CIVICA’s journey and the next stage of growth.

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CIVICA: The Pulse of Europe

Aurélien Krejbich from Sciences Po is since 1 February 2020 the first Executive Director of CIVICA - The European University of Social Sciences. Krejbich has been involved in CIVICA since its early beginnings. In his previous role as Director of the Centre for Europe in Sciences Po’s International Affairs Division, he worked on consolidating bilateral ties with some of the future partners in the alliance. In this interview, he reflects on CIVICA’s journey and the next stage of growth.

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