Home>The Historic Class of 2020

The Historic Class of 2020
After two years pursuing a Master’s degree or five years pursuing first a Bachelor’s and then a Master’s, the Class of 2020 has obtained their prestigious Sciences Po diploma! But they’ve also accomplished something completely unprecedented: they completed their final semester in the midst of a pandemic. What impact will this historic period have on their lives in the future? Until we find out, here are the profiles of a class unlike any other. Congratulations graduates of the Class of 2020!
The Class of 2020 in Numbers
2,574: the total number of students of the Class of 2020. Half of them started their journeys as undergraduates at Sciences Po on one of our seven campuses five years ago, and the other half joined Sciences Po for a Master’s programme.
They all pursued their Master’s at one of our seven Graduate Schools:
- 790 at the School of International Affairs (PSIA)
- 770 at the School of Public Affairs
- 426 at the School of Management & Innovation
- 256 at the Law School
- 158 at the Urban School
- 120 at the Doctoral School
- 51 at the Journalism School
Nearly 300 of them pursued a dual degree programme between Sciences Po and a partner French or international university.
In this class, a thousand students carry a foreign passport, representing 96 different nationalities. The top 5 countries represented in this class are: Germany, Italy, USA, China, United Kingdom, and India. Female students represent on average 59% of the class.
Congratulations graduates!
A Message From President Frédéric Mion
NB: Postponed due to COVID-19, the 2020 graduation ceremony will take place in early 2021 or summer 2021.