
42 new graduates from the dual BA between Sciences Po and Columbia University took part in the Class Day Ceremony on 16 May 2016 in New York. All dressed in sky blue, the graduates were invited by James Mabry, the keynote speaker, to reflect on learning their lessons, finding their mission and living with passion.
The valedictory address was delivered by Christina Cheung, who graduated Summa Cum Laude from the Dual BA. She thanked those who helped her get through her studies: “I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone who has been there for me for the journeys and adventures on which I have embarked” and went on to talk about her first days in Reims as an international student at Sciences Po.
Of the 42 students in the dual BA programme, some graduates intend to start their careers straight away. They will go into a range of industries: financial services at AXA, Société Générale, and Broadhaven Capital Partners, law at the NY State Attorney General’s office, and global health and technology.
Other dual BA graduates will be enrolling in graduate programmes at institutions such as Sciences Po, the Royal College of Music, London Business School and Peking University.
Catherine Marris, who graduated Magne Cum Laude from Columbia’s Bachelor of Human Rights, is one of those. She spoke of what the dual BA has given her: “Both at Sciences Po and at Columbia, I've learned a lot about myself and the world around me, and I am forever changed. I'll be in yet another country and academic system this fall – I will be attending the University of Oxford to pursue a Master's degree in Global Governance and Diplomacy.”
This year’s graduating class, composed of 11 different nationalities, shook hands with Lee C. Bollinger, Columbia University President. In praise for their achievements, he said “they are accomplished, they are extraordinary; gifted students of uncommon intelligence, leadership skills and dedication". Graduates were also congratulated by the Dean of Students during a specific ceremony for the dual BA students: “We are here today to celebrate the graduations of the jointly admitted students in the dual BA programme who have earned two bachelor's in four years, one from Sciences Po, one from Columbia".
It was a truly convivial moment shared by students who spent the first two years of their undergraduate studies at Sciences Po in France – in Reims, Le Havre or Menton campuses – and the last two years at Columbia in New York.
Related links
● Learn more about the Dual-BA between Sciences Po and Columbia University
● Watch the Class Day Ceremony