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Demand, selectivity and diversity
The 2015 Sciences Po admissions report in three words: demand, selectivity and diversity.
- Demand
Applications for the Sciences Po Undergraduate College have increased by 51 percent since 2009. The 2015 admissions report confirms this trend with a 4 percent increase in the number of candidates. Graduate-level applications also increased, with a 15 percent rise compared to 2014 .
- Selectivity
Sciences Po attracts more and more candidates each year and selects the best. The selection rate for the first undergraduate year (20 percent) and the Master’s programmes (29 percent) remained unchanged in 2015.
- Diversity
The level of diversity at Sciences Po remains high. Overall, 802 students were admitted through the examination-based admissions procedure (only for domestic students) and 781 students were admitted through the international admissions procedure. This geographic diversity is combined with social diversity – 27 percent of first year students receive financial aid compared to 15 percent in most French universities.
> 62 percent of the students admitted in first year at Sciences Po choose to study on a regional campus (Reims, Menton, Le Havre, Poitiers, Dijon, Nancy)
> When can I apply?
The international admissions procedure for the school year starting in September 2016 is now open. Please refer to the international admissions calendar on the Sciences Po admissions website.