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Environmental Transformations

Climate change is multi-faceted and its consequences devastating. Find out below all Sciences Po news related to environmental transformations.

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Global Youth's Priorities, a Feature by the Youngest Member of Y20 2022

Toàn Oswald, an undergraduate student, took part in the official consultation forum for youth from all G20 members in Indonesia. Read his op-ed.

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Global Youth's Priorities, a Feature by the Youngest Member of Y20 2022

Toàn Oswald, an undergraduate student, took part in the official consultation forum for youth from all G20 members in Indonesia. Read his op-ed.

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The Journey Of Three Sciences Po’s Students At The COP 27 In Egypt

As youth ambassadors of the Global Alliance on Climate Change, Garance Breuil, Naman Kapoor and Arimiyaw Saasi took part of the COP 27 in Sharm el-Sheikh in November 2022. Interview.

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The Journey Of Three Sciences Po’s Students At The COP 27 In Egypt

As youth ambassadors of the Global Alliance on Climate Change, Garance Breuil, Naman Kapoor and Arimiyaw Saasi took part of the COP 27 in Sharm el-Sheikh in November 2022. Interview.

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Bruno Latour, the Wizard of Sciences Po, Celebrates the School's 150th Anniversary

Bruno Latour came back to Sciences Po to deliver a vibrant lecture inspired by Emile Boutmy and laying out the outlines of a new free university. Discover the full speech.

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Bruno Latour, the Wizard of Sciences Po, Celebrates the School's 150th Anniversary

Bruno Latour came back to Sciences Po to deliver a vibrant lecture inspired by Emile Boutmy and laying out the outlines of a new free university. Discover the full speech.

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Sciences Po’s School of Management Places Impact at the Heart of Its Educational Strategy

The School of Management and Innovation of Sciences Po becomes the School of Management and Impact.

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Sciences Po’s School of Management Places Impact at the Heart of Its Educational Strategy

The School of Management and Innovation of Sciences Po becomes the School of Management and Impact.

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Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados: "Without Heart, Your Brain Goes Nowhere"

Review of the inaugural lesson of the Paris School of International Affairs.

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Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados: "Without Heart, Your Brain Goes Nowhere"

Review of the inaugural lesson of the Paris School of International Affairs.

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Three questions to Marc Ringel on Climate and Education

Meet the new Chairholder of Sciences Po's European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition

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Three questions to Marc Ringel on Climate and Education

Meet the new Chairholder of Sciences Po's European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition

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Climate x Project: When Students Take Action

Two Sciences Po students relate their experience as ambassadors of the “Climate x” pilot.

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Climate x Project: When Students Take Action

Two Sciences Po students relate their experience as ambassadors of the “Climate x” pilot.

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Climate: the COP Summits Are Valuable Indeed!

Since the Paris-based COP21 summit in 2015, whose advances met with (near-)unanimous praise, ensuing COP summits have generated a great deal of disappointment and criticism. But the COP summits are not just about the commitments, seldom honored, made by the States. Such is the view taken by the broad-based Sciences Po delegation that took part in COP26. For the article which follows, we sat down with Arnault Barichella, Phd candidate at the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics, Ellen Ledger, master's student at the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), and Carola Kloeck, researcher at the Center for International Studies (CERI) specializing in global warming adaptation policies.

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Climate: the COP Summits Are Valuable Indeed!

Since the Paris-based COP21 summit in 2015, whose advances met with (near-)unanimous praise, ensuing COP summits have generated a great deal of disappointment and criticism. But the COP summits are not just about the commitments, seldom honored, made by the States. Such is the view taken by the broad-based Sciences Po delegation that took part in COP26. For the article which follows, we sat down with Arnault Barichella, Phd candidate at the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics, Ellen Ledger, master's student at the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), and Carola Kloeck, researcher at the Center for International Studies (CERI) specializing in global warming adaptation policies.

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Research and Education: Pillars of The European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition's Project

Launched in November 2020 and hosted by the School of Public Affairs and the Paris School of International Affairs, the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition at Sciences Po has initiated several exciting efforts under the leadership of the Chairholder Prof. Shiv Someshwar.

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Research and Education: Pillars of The European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition's Project

Launched in November 2020 and hosted by the School of Public Affairs and the Paris School of International Affairs, the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition at Sciences Po has initiated several exciting efforts under the leadership of the Chairholder Prof. Shiv Someshwar.

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Launch of the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition

On 25 November 2020, Sciences Po launched the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition. It is the first chair to be co-hosted by our two largest graduate schools: the School of Public Affairs, led by Dean Yann Algan, and the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), led by Dean Enrico Letta. This Chair would not be possible without the support of its three sponsors: Hermès, HSBC and the European Investment Bank.

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Launch of the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition

On 25 November 2020, Sciences Po launched the European Chair for Sustainable Development and Climate Transition. It is the first chair to be co-hosted by our two largest graduate schools: the School of Public Affairs, led by Dean Yann Algan, and the Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), led by Dean Enrico Letta. This Chair would not be possible without the support of its three sponsors: Hermès, HSBC and the European Investment Bank.

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COVID-19 and Climate Change: What the Pandemic Means for Climate

The coronavirus is dominating the news. Media worldwide have little space to spare for news unrelated to the current pandemic. Few have probably heard of the category 5 Tropical Cyclone Harold that hit Vanuatu on 6 April and brought widespread damage—only five years after the country suffered from Tropical Cyclone Pam, the strongest cyclone on record.

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COVID-19 and Climate Change: What the Pandemic Means for Climate

The coronavirus is dominating the news. Media worldwide have little space to spare for news unrelated to the current pandemic. Few have probably heard of the category 5 Tropical Cyclone Harold that hit Vanuatu on 6 April and brought widespread damage—only five years after the country suffered from Tropical Cyclone Pam, the strongest cyclone on record.

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The Choice for Ecology: From Awareness to Action

Aliénor Parmentier graduated from PSIA in 2017. The very next day, she created her own consulting agency for innovative, collaborative and sustainable projects. She participated in the creation of a zero waste café in Lorient, Code Ø, and is the head of communications and zero waste workshops there.

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The Choice for Ecology: From Awareness to Action

Aliénor Parmentier graduated from PSIA in 2017. The very next day, she created her own consulting agency for innovative, collaborative and sustainable projects. She participated in the creation of a zero waste café in Lorient, Code Ø, and is the head of communications and zero waste workshops there.

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Goodbye Plastic, Hello Koovee

A committed ecologist and graduate of Sciences Po in 2015, Tiphaine Guerout has channeled her entrepreneurial ambition towards an environmental cause. She is the founder of Koovee, a startup that offers an alternative to disposable plastic cutlery: forks and spoons made of biscuit, made in France, that have the particularity of being sufficiently resistant so that one can eat with them. Interview with a young graduate who hopes to flood the French and European markets in the years to come.

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Goodbye Plastic, Hello Koovee

A committed ecologist and graduate of Sciences Po in 2015, Tiphaine Guerout has channeled her entrepreneurial ambition towards an environmental cause. She is the founder of Koovee, a startup that offers an alternative to disposable plastic cutlery: forks and spoons made of biscuit, made in France, that have the particularity of being sufficiently resistant so that one can eat with them. Interview with a young graduate who hopes to flood the French and European markets in the years to come.

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CO2 or GDP: The choice is ours

Precise, passionate, and deliberately iconoclastic, the climate specialist and engineer Jean-Marc Jancovici delivered the 2019 inaugural lecture to second-year undergraduate students in Paris, demonstrating the inevitable end of the golden age of energy. In this matter, no compromise is possible: if we are to decarbonise the economy, we must let go of our obsession with perpetual economic growth. Here are the key takeaways from his lecture. #KeepLearning

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CO2 or GDP: The choice is ours

Precise, passionate, and deliberately iconoclastic, the climate specialist and engineer Jean-Marc Jancovici delivered the 2019 inaugural lecture to second-year undergraduate students in Paris, demonstrating the inevitable end of the golden age of energy. In this matter, no compromise is possible: if we are to decarbonise the economy, we must let go of our obsession with perpetual economic growth. Here are the key takeaways from his lecture. #KeepLearning

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The Urgency of the Crisis and a Time to Reflect Together

Article by Sébastien Treyer, Executive Director of the IDDRI Think Tank (Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations).

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The Urgency of the Crisis and a Time to Reflect Together

Article by Sébastien Treyer, Executive Director of the IDDRI Think Tank (Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations).

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“It’s no longer a question of ecology, but of civilisation”

"One of a kind and indispensable": these are the terms FNSP President Olivier Duhamel used to welcome Bruno Latour to the podium of the Boutmy amphitheatre in September 2019, at the start of the 2019-2020 academic year. Latour, the celebrated philosopher and anthropologist, proceeded to deliver a powerful lecture on the urgency of the environmental crisis. How can we measure the change our planet is undergoing, and how can we respond to it? Here is a recap of a key moment of this past year's back-to-school season centred around climate and ecology. #KeepLearning.

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“It’s no longer a question of ecology, but of civilisation”

"One of a kind and indispensable": these are the terms FNSP President Olivier Duhamel used to welcome Bruno Latour to the podium of the Boutmy amphitheatre in September 2019, at the start of the 2019-2020 academic year. Latour, the celebrated philosopher and anthropologist, proceeded to deliver a powerful lecture on the urgency of the environmental crisis. How can we measure the change our planet is undergoing, and how can we respond to it? Here is a recap of a key moment of this past year's back-to-school season centred around climate and ecology. #KeepLearning.

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Ecological Transition: Launch of a Three-Year Action Plan

In the face of a climate in crisis and a planet experiencing profound ecological disruption, Sciences Po has set itself an ambitious three-year action plan. This plan will form one part of the much wider Climate Action: Make It Work initiative, launched in 2015. It responds to the institution’s obligations as both a place of study and work and a centre for teaching and learning, in Paris and across the six regional campuses.

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Ecological Transition: Launch of a Three-Year Action Plan

In the face of a climate in crisis and a planet experiencing profound ecological disruption, Sciences Po has set itself an ambitious three-year action plan. This plan will form one part of the much wider Climate Action: Make It Work initiative, launched in 2015. It responds to the institution’s obligations as both a place of study and work and a centre for teaching and learning, in Paris and across the six regional campuses.

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Paving the Way For A Green Future

Eco-friendly, self-managed, and militant, PAVéS is an association committed to tackling questions on climate change at Sciences Po. But it is also well known by students for CAFéS, its ethical and solidarity-focused cafeteria run by students from the Paris campus. We met to talk with two of its members, Ilytie Piroit and Clémentine Sainclair, over an organic coffee. 

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Paving the Way For A Green Future

Eco-friendly, self-managed, and militant, PAVéS is an association committed to tackling questions on climate change at Sciences Po. But it is also well known by students for CAFéS, its ethical and solidarity-focused cafeteria run by students from the Paris campus. We met to talk with two of its members, Ilytie Piroit and Clémentine Sainclair, over an organic coffee. 

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The Great Transition: Business Is No Longer “Business As Usual”

On 22 January 2020, the School of Management and Innovation held the final session of its core course, The Great Transition, during which 12 finalist groups presented their projects in front of a jury.

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The Great Transition: Business Is No Longer “Business As Usual”

On 22 January 2020, the School of Management and Innovation held the final session of its core course, The Great Transition, during which 12 finalist groups presented their projects in front of a jury.

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"The Environment Is at the Heart of Students’ Concerns"

Involved in the association Sciences Po Environnement (FR) since her first year at Sciences Po, Carole Meffre is the coordinator of the Paris campus chapter today, and a master’s student at the School of Public Affairs. She discusses the vision and the challenges of this flagship fixture of campus life which is celebrating its 12th year in 2020.

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"The Environment Is at the Heart of Students’ Concerns"

Involved in the association Sciences Po Environnement (FR) since her first year at Sciences Po, Carole Meffre is the coordinator of the Paris campus chapter today, and a master’s student at the School of Public Affairs. She discusses the vision and the challenges of this flagship fixture of campus life which is celebrating its 12th year in 2020.

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