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Environmental Transformations

Climate change is multi-faceted and its consequences devastating. Find out below all Sciences Po news related to environmental transformations.

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“More than half the world’s population live in cities”

Meenakshi Raina is an Indian student enrolled in the Master of International Energy programme at the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po. She is passionate about sustainable development and climate change issues, and a keen participant in the Make It Work initiative.

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“More than half the world’s population live in cities”

Meenakshi Raina is an Indian student enrolled in the Master of International Energy programme at the Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po. She is passionate about sustainable development and climate change issues, and a keen participant in the Make It Work initiative.

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“It is time for economists to get into the picture” Patrick Bolton, prof. at Columbia University, on climate change debate

Who can finance the transition to sustainable development and how? Patrick Bolton, professor at Columbia University, and Pierre Ducret, the CEO of Caisse des Dépôts Climat tried to answer this question in a conference held at Sciences Po on 4 June 2015.

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“It is time for economists to get into the picture” Patrick Bolton, prof. at Columbia University, on climate change debate

Who can finance the transition to sustainable development and how? Patrick Bolton, professor at Columbia University, and Pierre Ducret, the CEO of Caisse des Dépôts Climat tried to answer this question in a conference held at Sciences Po on 4 June 2015.

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Make It Work: Students Made it Work

The opening ceremony of the COP21 simulation was held on 29 May 2015 at the Theatre Nanterre-Amandiers. “If you succeed in signing an agreement, I will use it as an example during the real climate conference (COP21)”, said Laurence Tubiana, French Ambassador for Climate Negotiations, to the 200 students participating in this event. Discover what happened in the video.

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Make It Work: Students Made it Work

The opening ceremony of the COP21 simulation was held on 29 May 2015 at the Theatre Nanterre-Amandiers. “If you succeed in signing an agreement, I will use it as an example during the real climate conference (COP21)”, said Laurence Tubiana, French Ambassador for Climate Negotiations, to the 200 students participating in this event. Discover what happened in the video.

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The complicated reality of the climate talks: report from a student participating in the simulation

Nathan Stewart is a Masters student at Sciences Po and a participant in the student simulation of the COP 21 talks that are taking place for real in December 2015. As part of the Ethiopian delegation, Nathan has been working with his group in preparation for the three days of climate talks that are taking place this weekend, 29 to 31 May.

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The complicated reality of the climate talks: report from a student participating in the simulation

Nathan Stewart is a Masters student at Sciences Po and a participant in the student simulation of the COP 21 talks that are taking place for real in December 2015. As part of the Ethiopian delegation, Nathan has been working with his group in preparation for the three days of climate talks that are taking place this weekend, 29 to 31 May.

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"My generation created the problem, your generation can fix it"

Professor Bruno Latour during the simulation of climate negotiations at the Theatre Nanterre-Amandiers.

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"My generation created the problem, your generation can fix it"

Professor Bruno Latour during the simulation of climate negotiations at the Theatre Nanterre-Amandiers.

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3 Days to Save the Climate

Seven months before the global climate conference taking place in Paris in December, 208 students from Sciences Po and other universities around the world will come together to participate in a unique simulation of the negotiations. This experiment will take place on 29, 30 & 31 May at the Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers under the guidance of Bruno Latour, a professor at Sciences Po.

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3 Days to Save the Climate

Seven months before the global climate conference taking place in Paris in December, 208 students from Sciences Po and other universities around the world will come together to participate in a unique simulation of the negotiations. This experiment will take place on 29, 30 & 31 May at the Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers under the guidance of Bruno Latour, a professor at Sciences Po.

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90 Minutes with Al Gore

Al Gore gave a unique lecture on climate change on Monday 18 May 2015 at Sciences Po. Frédéric Mion, President of Sciences Po, and Jane D. Hartley, the US Ambassador to France, introduced this unique event. It took place under the banner of Make It Work, a Sciences Po initiative promoting dialogue on the climate.

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90 Minutes with Al Gore

Al Gore gave a unique lecture on climate change on Monday 18 May 2015 at Sciences Po. Frédéric Mion, President of Sciences Po, and Jane D. Hartley, the US Ambassador to France, introduced this unique event. It took place under the banner of Make It Work, a Sciences Po initiative promoting dialogue on the climate.

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Students on Stage with Bruno Latour To Make the Climate Conference a Success

Seven months before the global climate conference taking place in Paris, students from universities around the world will come together to participate in a unique simulation of the negotiations.

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Students on Stage with Bruno Latour To Make the Climate Conference a Success

Seven months before the global climate conference taking place in Paris, students from universities around the world will come together to participate in a unique simulation of the negotiations.

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Climate conferences fail due to their focus on consequences and not causes. With this in mind, Sciences Po and its partners in the Make it Work initiative decided to organise a “real” simulation prior to the official conference Paris Climat 2015. The goal: test new methods of negotiation. An unparalleled experience that will take place the 29, 30 & 31 May at the Nanterre-Amandiers Theater.  

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Climate conferences fail due to their focus on consequences and not causes. With this in mind, Sciences Po and its partners in the Make it Work initiative decided to organise a “real” simulation prior to the official conference Paris Climat 2015. The goal: test new methods of negotiation. An unparalleled experience that will take place the 29, 30 & 31 May at the Nanterre-Amandiers Theater.  

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The Sustainable Week at Sciences Po

Conferences, inauguration of a vegetable garden, launch of a compost bin… From the 30 March to 3 April 2015, Sciences Po Environment, a student association, organised the Sustainable Week at Sciences Po.  Caroline Jeanmaire, President of Sciences Po Environment, talks about the week’s main events and reviews what is at stake one month before the COP 21 simulation at Sciences Po next May (fr). Watch the video (English subtitles available).

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The Sustainable Week at Sciences Po

Conferences, inauguration of a vegetable garden, launch of a compost bin… From the 30 March to 3 April 2015, Sciences Po Environment, a student association, organised the Sustainable Week at Sciences Po.  Caroline Jeanmaire, President of Sciences Po Environment, talks about the week’s main events and reviews what is at stake one month before the COP 21 simulation at Sciences Po next May (fr). Watch the video (English subtitles available).

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