Home>Gain work experience during your master's degree


Gain work experience during your master's degree

Sciences Po students at a recruitment forum (credits: Sciences Po)

During a master's at Sciences Po, it is possible for students to complete apprenticeships alongside their studies. Apprenticeships are special work contracts* with companies or organisations that allow students to combine working and studying for their degree. Every year, 8% of students make this choice; here’s why.

*Apprenticeships are most commonly work contracts in France.

More and more students are opting for apprenticeships in the course of their master’s degree. In the past four years, there have been 75% more apprentices at Sciences Po! How can we explain this increase? Quite simply, apprenticeships allow students to apply what they learn in the classroom while gaining real professional experience. Thanks to this system, they learn to take responsibility, expand their network and prepare their professional insertion. Also, it allows students to secure financing for their degree since apprenticeships exempt students from tuition fees and they receive a minimum wage or more. Class schedule accomodation makes it easy for students who choose to do an apprenticeship to combine working and attending classes. 

15 masters at Sciences Po offer the possibility to complete an apprenticeship during the second year of the course (except for the master's degree in journalism which is open to apprenticeships during the first year). Apprenticeship contracts start between June 1st and October 31st.

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