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Access to Sciences Po sites reestablished
After two days of blocking by a group of students mobilized against the law on the Orientation and Success of Students (ORE), the occupation of the main campus of Sciences Po Paris ended on Friday, 20 April in the early afternoon. Access to all Sciences Po sites has been reopened for students, teachers and employees. Classes have resumed normally as of Friday afternoon (3:45 pm).
Two classrooms (A11 and A12) located in the main campus at 27 rue Saint-Guillaume will be dedicated to conferences and open debates open to all Sciences Po communities starting Monday, 23 April at the opening hours of the building.
Frédéric Mion, Director of Sciences Po, expressed in a statement sent Friday, 20 April, his "infinite gratitude to the teams who have been intensely mobilized since Tuesday night to allow our institution to continue to operate as well as possible and to ensure the safety of each and everyone in an extremely difficult context." He also thanked all communities for "(their) patience and (their) calm."
The building located at 27 rue Saint-Guillaume had been occupied since Tuesday, 17 April by a group of approximately 70 students who formed a "General Assembly", within the framework of the protest movements against the law on orientation and student success (ORE), which modifies the modalities of access to universities. Sciences Po organised Thursday, 19 April an online survey on this occupation, to which 6,396 students out of the 13,000 students responded. A large majority (67%) of students voted against the occupation, while 25% of respondents approved of it, and 8% preferred not to choose.