Home>Sciences Po and UC Berkeley launch a dual degree programme


Sciences Po and UC Berkeley launch a dual degree programme

On 12 October 2015 on the UC Berkeley campus in California, Frédéric Mion, president of Sciences Po, and Nicholas Dirks, Chancellor of UC Berkeley signed the Berkeley-Sciences Po Dual BA programme agreement.

This new dual degree programme will be offered in fall 2016.

Two years in France, two years in California
Students in the dual degree programme spend their first two years at one of three Sciences Po campuses in France (Menton, Reims or Le Havre), each of which focuses on a different world region. All instruction is offered in English. The last two years of the programme are spent on the UC Berkeley campus.

Students graduate from both universities
After successfully completing the programme, students receive a Sciences Po Bachelor’s degree in the Social Sciences and Humanities and a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree from UC Berkeley’s College of Letters and Science. 

More information on the Sciences Po-UC Berkeley dual degree programme

Related links
Discover all undergraduate dual degree programmes at Sciences Po
Discover all graduate dual degree programmes at Sciences Po