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From Sciences Po to the Asian Development Bank

Tina Rohner is a 2009 alumna from Sciences Po. She  currently works for the Asian Development Bank and was selected as part of the highly competitive Young Professionals Program. Tina shares some thoughts on her experience at the Master of Public Affairs and her career path.

  • Can you describe your professional path before and after Sciences Po? What led you to the Master of Public Affairs​?

I came to the MPA as a dual degree student from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore where I spent the first year of the degree. Before starting my graduate education, I pursued a number of internships which combined my dual interest in public policy and finance. Immediately preceding my year at Sciences Po, I interned at Goldman Sachs in Singapore where I then continued to work upon graduation from Sciences Po for the next five years.

What led me to the Sciences Po was my desire to receive a rigorous education in public policy that I would be able to utilise in both the public and private sector. I also wanted to complement my experience in Asia with the more global approach of the MPA.

  • What are you currently doing?

I currently work for the Asian Development Bank and am based in Manila, Philippines. I joined as part of the Young Professionals Program which recruits 4-6 YPs per year who have a number of years of work experience that is applicable to the core focus areas of the bank. I work for the Private Sector Operations Department where I am responsible for making direct equity and equity fund investments throughout developing Asia. I focus on the core sectors that ADB targets which include infrastructure, financial services, agriculture, climate change related, education and healthcare.

  • What is the most valuable thing you took away from your time at the Sciences Po?

Sciences Po gave me invaluable global exposure through the faculty, guest speakers and my fellow students. The Capstone project in particular was an excellent real-world experience that allowed us to put all our newly gained knowledge and expertise to use and interact with some of the top policy makers in the world. Most importantly it provided me with a skillset and analytical tools that have helped me succeed in my professional life upon graduation.


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Sciences Po School of Public Affairs
Dual master’s degrees at Sciences Po
Dual bachelor’s degrees at Sciences Po