Home>"We must rebuild an ambition for Europe"

"We must rebuild an ambition for Europe"
On 25 June 2016, following the referendum on the United Kingdom's withdrawal from the European Union, Sciences Po hosted a conference with economy and finance minister Emmanuel Macron, eurodeputies Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Syvie Goulard, Renaud Dehousse, director of the Sciences Po Centre for European Studies, and journalist Jean Quatremer. Watch the video interviews.
Students were able to attend the conference, which addressed the presumed consequences of the UK's withdrawal from the European Union. Emmanuel Macron considers that Brexit must be taken as a collective wake-up call: "We must rebuild an ambition for Europe that defines a real plan for European sovereignty, that is, what is Europe's place in the world and what do we as 27 member states want to do?"
For his part, Daniel Cohn-Bendit wants to see a concrete change in how the European Parliament works. He suggests replacing the 73 UK seats with transnational list seats, which would "force European-focused debate".
Related links
● Reread the article on Enrico Letta and Pierre Moscovici discussing the future of Europe
● Reread "three questions for Sandro Gozi" on the Erasmus generation and the European Union