Home>Yann Algan, New Dean of the School of Public Affairs


Yann Algan, New Dean of the School of Public Affairs

Frédéric Mion, president of Sciences Po, has appointed Yann Algan the new Dean of the School of Public Affairs, scheduled to open in September 2015.

Yann Algan will succeed Jean-Pierre Landau who is leaving to pursue other endeavours including teaching. As first Dean of the School of Public Affairs, Jean-Pierre Landau laid the foundation of the school, and defined its strategy and educational offer. He will remain one of the school’s main Professors.

Yann Algan earned a PhD in economics in 2002.  He was a visiting scholar at  MIT in 2007, and a visiting professor at Harvard University in 2008, the same year he joined the Department of Economics at Sciences Po.

Currently a professor at Sciences Po, Yann Algan teaches economics to first year undergraduate students. He is also the head of the Economics and Public Policy master’s programme and the director of the Management of Public Policy Executive master’s programme.

His work involves behavioral economics like the connection between the economy, trust and well-being, as well as collaborative economies and public policies.

Yann Algan uses data to measure and analyse the determining factors behind well-being and social behaviours. He also assesses policies which contribute to the development of trust and well-being in society, at school and in business. His work lies at the crossroads of economics, psychology, management and sociology.

In 2009, Yann Algan was awarded the Best French Young Economist Prize. His research is published in the major international journals (American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Political Economy, to name just a few).

He has been the recipient of  two consecutive European Research Council grants: the ERC Starting Grant (Trust, 2010-2014) followed by the ERC Consolidator Grant (Well Being and Public Policy, 2015-2020).