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Honorary Doctorates
Sciences Po has awarded the distinction of doctor honoris causa to twenty-seven prominent figures in the academic and political worlds. In 2006, the presentation ceremony formed part of the events organised to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the National Foundation of political sciences.
- Henry Ehrmann (Dartmouth College)
- Albert Hirschman (Princeton University)
- Sergio Romano (Diplomat)
- Boutros Boutros Ghali (UN Secretary-General)
- Karl Dietrich Bracher (University of Bonn)
- Alexandre Lamfalussy (Bank for International Settlements)
- Theodore Lowi (Cornell University)
- Charles Tilly (New York University)
- Robert O. Keohane (Princeton University)
- Peter A. Hall (Harvard University)
- Mario Monti (Université Bocconi)
- Mark Granovetter (Stanford University)
- Horst Möller (Institut für Zeitgeschichte)
- Edmund S. Phelps (Columbia University)
- Vàclav Havel (writer, former President of the Czech Republic between 1989 and 2003)
- Duncan Kennedy (Harvard University)
- Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, popularly known as Lula (former President of Brazil)
- Helen Wallace (LSE)
- Arnaldo Bagnasco (Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei)
- Jacques Drèze (Université catholique de Louvain)
- Lakhdar Brahimi (Algerian diplomat and politician)
- Daphne Barak-Erez (Israeli judge)
- Jane Mansbridge (American specialist in political theory)
- Ibrahima Thioub (Senegalese historian and academic, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar)
- Joseph Stiglitz (American economist, winner of the Nobel Prize for economics, Columbia University)
- Viviana Zelizer (American sociologist, Princeton University)
- Elena Zhemkova, Executive director of Memorial International
- Angela Merkel, former Chancellor of Germany
Since the decree no. 74-899 on 17 October 1974, Sciences Po is authorised to award the title of doctor honoris causa. The process of selection for this title has been modified by the decrees: no. 2002-417 on the 21 March 2002, the bulletin no. 2002-137 on the 14 June 2002, and then by the decree: no. 2013-756 on the 19 August 2013.
The last specifies that the title of doctor honoris causa is bestowed by the president of the university or by the director of the corresponding scientific, cultural, and professional public establishment, to individuals of foreign nationality in instances where outstanding contributions have been made to the arts, to literature, to science and technology, in France or to the establishment that awards the title.
This distinction may be attributed according to the view of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, upon proposals by qualified boards in the establishment. Decisions are taken upon the majority of two rounds of votes cast. The boards will only deliberate if the majority of members of the restricted formation are present.
The degree is established and signed by the president of the university or by the director of the scientific, cultural, and professional public establishment. It is awarded within the guidelines established by each institution.
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