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Our fields of study
Nearly 300 faculty members in the fields of humanities and social sciences study transformations at work in the modern world.
With a firm focus on the major challenges facing society, research conducted at Sciences Po fuels and enhances public debate on issues such as the environment, digital transition, inequalities, public health, urban development, security and democracy all over the world.
The research of our permanent faculty mobilises cutting-edge tools to further questions and develop knowledge in five major disciplines:
- in law, the globalisation of legal practices, intellectual property in the digital age, protection of the environment and the commons.
- in economics, a great deal of research is aimed at revisiting behavioural economics via the cognitive dimensions of economic choices and game theory.
- in history, approaches to comparative history are being developing in connection with global history, and by analysing links between history and art
- in political science, issues surrounding distrust in elites and democracies and the emergence of populism around the world.
- in sociology, in addition to the study of fundamental issues around inequality, research into gender and the environment are taking on particular importance.
With a firm focus on the major challenges facing society, research conducted at Sciences Po fuels and enhances public debate on issues such as public health, education, urban development, security, the environment and democracy all over the world.
At the same time, it addresses fundamental questions, as illustrated by the support our teams receive from major funding agencies such as the European Research Council and the French National Research Agency.
Research at Sciences Po stands out for its extensive range of approaches, from ethnography to the most sophisticated econometric methods. Thanks to the methodological input of the médialab and the research tools developed by the DIME-SHS Programme (Infrastructure Data and Survey Methodology in Humanities and Social Sciences), our researchers take full advantage of the new possibilities offered by digital technology in their humanities and social science work.
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