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Our publications
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Each year, Sciences Po's scientific community publishes more than 800 books and articles. These publications are available in Sciences Po's open archives (Sciences Po Institutional REpository - SPIRE).
A number of editorial activities complement these works:
- Several of our researchers edit scientific collections
- Others are editors-in-chief of leading journals such as Sociétés contemporaines, Revue Française de Sociologie, and Critique internationale
- Research units regularly publish reports, essays, working papers and studies such as LIEPP “Policy Papers” and MaxPo “Discussion Papers” such as Max Planck Sciences Po Center on Coping with Instability in Market Societies (MaxPo)

Sustainable development, law, history, health: the collections of Les Presses, the publishing house of Sciences Po, are aimed at the general public, teachers and students. Short and enlightening formats on the major debates of the day.
Find out what's new.
Cogito: research magazine
Cogito is a trimestrial magazine that brings you the heart of the research conducted at Sciences Po.
Visit the website and subscribe
The faculty directory

Our Faculty Directory allows you to look up researchers by name and by expertise.