Elise Féron
Tampere Peace Research Institute, Finlande.
Elise Féron (PhD, Docent) est chercheuse au Tampere Peace Research Institute (Finlande). Elle est aussi professeure invitée à l’Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique), à l’Académie diplomatique d’Erevan (Arménie) et à l’Université Lumière de Bujumbura (Burundi). Ses recherches portent sur les conflits communautaires, les diasporas et les dimensions de genre dans les conflits. Elle est l’auteure de nombreuses publications sur ces sujets.
Livres et numéros spéciaux de revues
- with Valérie Rosoux (ed), Far away and yet so close. Former colonial powers and the management of political crises in their former colonies, Special Issue of the European Review of International Studies (ERIS), 1(3), 2014.
- Abandonner la violence ? Comment l’Irlande du Nord sort du conflit, Paris, Payot, 2011.
- With Anna Orrnert, Transnational Communities and Conflicts - Challenges and How to Address Them, Brussels, ELDIS and CORDIS, 2011.
Articles scientifiques
- « Transporting and Re-Inventing Conflicts: Conflict-Generated Diasporas and Conflict Autonomisation», Cooperation and Conflict, 17 (1), 2016.
- « L’horizon fuyant de la réconciliation. L’Irlande du Nord entre rapprochement et cristallisation des oppositions », Les Cahiers Sirice, 15(1), pp. 67-82, 2016.
- « Religions et conflits. Comment renouveler le cadre d’analyse ? », Les Champs de Mars, Dossier Religieux et recherche stratégique, 26, pp. 21-31, 2015.
- With Valérie Rosoux (ed), « Prisoners of History? Anglo-Irish Relations beyond Colonization » in Far away and yet so close. Former colonial powers and the management of political crises in their former colonies, Special Issue of the European Review of International Studies (ERIS), 1 (3), pp. 94-109, 2014.
- With Brigitte Beauzamy, 2012: « Otherism in Discourses, Integration in Policies? Comparing French and Danish Educational Policies for Migrants », Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 2(1), pp. 6-77, 2012.
- « Le legs colonial et la question des excuses dans la diplomatie britannique », Raison publique, 10, 81-93, mai 2009.
- « Restaurer la confiance en Irlande du Nord ? La négociation aux interfaces urbaines », Négociations, 1, n°9, 41-54, 2008.
- « Religions and Conflicts. Towards a Framework for Analysis», Arès, Vol. XXIII (1), pp. 37-55, avril 2008.
- « How can the dividends of conflict be perpetuated: The paths to reconversion taken by Northern Irish paramilitaries», International Social Science Journal, n°191, pp. 225-239, mars 2007.
Chapitres de livres (sélection)
- « Social Strife», in Marc Bornstein (ed.), Sage Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development, London, Sage, forthcoming.
- « Gender and Peace Negotiations: Why Gendering Peace Negotiations Multiplies Opportunities for Reconciliation», in Mark Anstey and Valérie Rosoux (eds.), Reconciliation as Preventive Negotiation, New York, Springer, forthcoming.
- « Support Programs for Male Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence» in Ron Anderson (ed.), Alleviating World Suffering, New York, Springer, pp. 335-347, 2017.
- « Suffering in Silence? The Silencing of Sexual Violence Against Men in War Torn Countries», in Ron Anderson (ed.), World Suffering and Quality of Life, New York, Springer, pp. 31-44, 2015.
« Terrorism, Civil Strife and Uprisings», in Aasne Kalland Aarstad, Edith Drieskens, Knud Erik Jorgensen, Katie Laatikainen and Ben Tonra (eds.), The Sage Handbook of European Foreign Policy, London, Sage, pp. 983-997, 2015.
- « Post-Colonial Britain and Its Former Colonies in the EU» in Brigitte Vassort-Rousset (ed.), Building Sustainable International Couples, London, Palgrave, pp. 88-110, 2014.
- « Stating the Obvious? The Role of Diaspora and Migrant Organizations in Development», in Pascaline Gaborit (ed.), The Strength of Culture for Development; Why Culture Matters in International Cooperation, Brussels, Peter Lang, pp. 81-99, 2014.
- « Diaspora Politics: From ‘Long Distance Nationalism’ to Autonomization» in Dirk Halm, Zeynep Sezgin (eds.), Migration and Organized Civil Society - Rethinking National Policy, London, Routledge, 63-78, 2013.
- « The Ransom of Success? The Social Democratic and Labour Party in Northern Ireland» in Anwen Elias & Filippo Tronconi (eds.), From Protest to Power: Autonomist Parties and the Challenges of Representation, Vienna, Braumüller, 215-231, 2011.
« Management of violence and mediation practices at urban interfaces in Northern Ireland» in Jacques Faget (ed.), Mediation in National and International Political Conflicts, Oxford, Hart Publishing, pp. 137-152, 2011.
- « New Wines in Old Bottles? Recompositions et renouveaux des recherches sur la violence en Irlande du Nord » in Xavier Crettiez, Laurent Muchielli (eds.), Les violences politiques en Europe, Paris, La Découverte, pp. 89-104, 2010.
- With Brigitte Beauzamy, « The internationalization of community conflicts and the construction of transnational solidarities: The Northern Irish case in a comparative perspective» in Mathias Albert, Gesa Bluhm, Jan Helmig, Andreas Leutzsch, Jochen Walter (eds.), Transnational Political Spaces, Agents-Structures-Encounters, Chicago & Frankfurt, Chicago University Press & Campus Verlag, pp. 89-115, 2009.
- With Fatma Güven Lisaniler, « The Cyprus conflict in a comparative perspective: Assessing the impact of European integration» in Thomas Diez and Nathalie Tocci (eds.), Cyprus: A Conflict at the Crossroads, Manchester, Manchester University Press, pp. 198-216, 2009.
- « Citizenship education in France», in Viola Georgi (ed.), The Making of Citizens in Europe: New Perspectives on Citizenship Education, Bonn, Bpb, pp. 104-109, 2007.