Home>Become a Sciences Po student health embassador in 2023-2024
Become a Sciences Po student health embassador in 2023-2024
The Support Services Centre, in partnership with the Health Centre, is recruiting a team of student health representatives (ERS) among Sciences Po students to carry out health promotion and education actions during the 2023-2024 academic year.
Sexual and emotional life, well-being, addictions, mental health... Are you interested in these subjects? Do you want to set up projects around health promotion? Join the ERS 2023-2024 team!
Supervised by the team of the Support Services Centre (DAA) and in collaboration with the Health Centre, you will participate in the design, organisation and running of group activities around health promotion and prevention on various topics.
Application deadline: Monday 29 May 2023
Information and applications on your Sciences Po Student Account (espace vacation).