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Teaching guides
Guides and training for getting started with your teaching
Teaching guides and information sheets
Several teaching guides and information sheets are available to help you design and run your lessons. How should I design my lesson? What teaching resources should I use? What activities should I offer my students? How can I assess their learning? You can find practical information and advice in the documentation provided by the ICI.
Please note: All documentation provided is accessible via your Sciences Po email account firstname.lastname@sciencespo.fr and password.
Teaching guides
- Guide to deploying hybrid pedagogy (2020)
- Remote teaching (2020)
- Teaching remote classes (2020)
- Guide to evaluation methods
- AI, ChatGPT and Education - Teacher’s Guide
- Make your class more dynamic with Wooclap, the interactive question platform used at Sciences Po
- Discovering Whaller, Sciences Po’s private social network
Thematic Information Sheets
- Focus - Course Planning
- Focus - Overall course plan
- Focus - Plan a class
- Focus - Hybrid teaching
- Teaching a large class
- Coherence - objectives - evaluations - activities
- Varying pedagogical activities
- Guide to evaluation methods
- Group work in the remote classroom
- Taking attendance in a remote class
- Framework for transforming an in-person course to a hybrid format
- The virtual class
- The flipped classroom
- The Reverse Classroom
- Which course materials should I use?
- Use of online courses and pedagogical materials
- Incorporating handwritten text in remote classes
- Tools for creating content off-campus
- Recording in the studio
- Recommendations for producing videos
- Publish a recording on Moodle or Google Drive
- Retrieve a video teaching material shared on Moodle
- Record and share a video file with Moodle
- Publish a recording made with the self-recording-booth
- Security and video recordings stored in the cloud
- The uses and design of educational audio podcasts
- Producing and distributing educational audio podcasts
- Tools and cartography resources and the Cartothèque
- Adding images to my pedagogical materials
- Where to find images for my lessons
- Respecting copyrights
- Create a course bibliography
- Enhance your class with the library's digital resources
- Methodology resources for improving students’ study skills
For more specific information, do not hesitate to contact your pedagogical teams or the Institute for Skills and Innovation’s team.
Training sessions
A range of training sessions on pedagogy, digital teaching tools and classroom equipment is offered throughout the year by the Institute for Skills and Innovation:
- Pedagogy (Designing a course, Diversifying learning activities, Evaluating student work, Make your course more dynamic using Wooclap, etc.)
- Contact: ici@sciencespo.fr
- Using the pedagogical platform Moodle
- Online session or face to face at 1 Saint-Thomas in Paris
- Contact moodle@sciencespo.fr
- Getting to grips with the classroom’s screen (tactile functions, whiteboard) - in french only
- 1 Saint-Thomas in Paris
- Contact: ici@sciencespo.fr
- Recording course material with RapidMooc (Paris campus) (in french)
- Contact: ici@sciencespo.fr
- Editing videos
- Online sessions or at 13, rue de l’unviersité, Paris Campus
- Contact guillaume.aebi@sciencespo.fr
Tutorials for your digital educational tools
As a Sciences Po faculty member, you have access to
- Zoom, a webconferencing platform for virtual classes and meetings,
- Moodle, a online platform for sharing learning materials and activities with your students,
- Wooclap, a suite of interaction tools (polls, quiz, word cloud, brainstorming, etc.) to energize your courses,
- Whaller, Sciences Po's internal social network
You'll find all the tutorials you need to get to grips with these tools on the Using education technology page.
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Join us in our Whaller spheres (mostly in French)
Teachers :
- Échanges de pratiques pédagogiques
- Doctorants à SciencesPo
- Utilisateurs de Moodle
- Utilisateurs de Wooclap
Teachers and Staff : Zoom users Sciences Po
Academic Advisors : Questions pédagogiques