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The Sciences Po bookshop offers a wide selection of books organised into 300 different topics, in political science, sociology, history, law, economics, geopolitics and international relations, plus a selection to prepare for the Sciences Po entrance exams, ENA entrance exams, Quai d'Orsay recruitment exams, etc.
Nearly two million titles are available in digital or print format, in stock or by order, in French and English.
The catalogue is enhanced every year with recommendations from faculty and orders from students, research centres and the library.
The bookshop is also the place to pick up course packs for the Paris campus.
As a faculty member, you are entitled to a 5% discount on all book purchases and 10% off all Sciences Po stationery and products.
You can order your books in any field on the bookshop website (fr.). Allow two to three days for books in French to arrive and four days for books in English. A section of the website is dedicated to books by faculty (fr.), so don’t hesitate to tell them about your latest publications!
If you set a book for your course, let the bookshop know. Specify how many students you have so that everyone can get a copy.
Address: 30, rue Saint-Guillaume, 75007 Paris
Open hours: Monday to Sundy, 10 am to 7 pm
Open until 7:30 pm at the start of the semester
Ph.: 01 45 49 86 86