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Course dates and times


The university calendar is available online, and the calendar for the following year is always published in April at the latest. Calendars may differ from campus to campus.

Go to the university calendars page.


Instructors are asked to submit their timetable choices two months before course registration.

You can find the timetables for your courses, including session dates, times and rooms, on your faculty account.

Consult the session calendars


Any change in the course of the semester disrupts students’ learning progress.

If you know before the semester starts that you will not be available for a few sessions

If you know you will be absent for more than two sessions at the beginning of the semester, you should let your academic coordinator know in advance and inform the Timetabling Office by email.

If you are unavailable at the last minute

Inform the Timetabling Office, which will let your students know automatically, and contact your academic advisor.

You will then need to arrange a make-up session. Don’t wait for the end of the semester. Check your students’ availability in your faculty account under the “Students” tab, then “Student availability schedules”, or “Students lists” then “Availability schedules”. Consult with them to decide on a replacement time-slot. Make-up sessions should not be concentrated at the end of the semester.

  • If you teach in Paris, you will then have to contact the Timetabling Office to request a room.
  • If you teach on a regional campus, contact the secretary directly.

You must record student absences at any make-up session. Attendance is mandatory unless there is a timetable clash with another course, which the programme secretary will manage if necessary.


The institution may be required to cancel your class due to exceptional circumstances, particularly for security reasons. You will be informed through your Sciences Po email account, as will your students.

A make-up session can then be scheduled in liaison with the Timetabling Office.

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