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Éric-Jean Garcia

Éric-Jean Garcia   

Eric-Jean Garcia holds a MPhil (Master of Philosophy) from the Institute of Education, University of London, and a PhD in Leadership Development in Executive Education from University College London (UCL), as well as an MBA in International Management from the University of Dallas (Texas, USA).

At Sciences Po Executive Education, Eric-Jean Garcia co-directs the Executive Master in Legal Leadership in partnership with the Cercle Montesquieu and the Sciences Po Law School. Additionally, from 2010 to 2021, he led the Executive Master in Leadership Trajectories and several custom programmes for leading organisations.

Eric-Jean Garcia is also a columnist for XerfiCanal since 2018 and has authored numerous articles in academic journals (e.g., "MBA lecturers’ curriculum interests in leadership" in Management Learning, Sage November – 2009; "Raising leadership criticality in MBAs" in Higher Education, Springer - 2008) as well as sections in collective works ("The HR 'business leader'" in Image et Rayonnement du DRH, Manitoba, Les belles lettres 2013; "Managing in the era of artificial intelligence" in Manageor edition 2022).

He is also the author of two books that have been awarded by Roland Reitter, Emeritus Professor of Leadership at HEC: "Leadership: Perspectives on the Exercise of Power in Companies – Foreword by Prof. Erhard Friedberg" (De Boeck, 2011-2016) and "The Genius of Leadership: Myths and Challenges of Managerial Action – Foreword by Jean-Paul Delevoye" (Dunod, 2013). His latest work, co-written with Prof. Simon Western, is titled "Global Leadership Perspectives: Insights and Analysis" (2018).

Before his academic career, Eric-Jean Garcia held several positions as Export Director for Major Accounts (Africa – Asia – Middle East) for a multinational textile company, CEO of a franchise company in the service industry, CEO of a professional cosmetics laboratory, Director of INSEEC Paris and Academic Director of the European Business School of Paris.