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Certificate International Relations and diplomacy

In a complex and ever-changing global landscape, new and multifaceted threats demand heightened awareness from all citizens. The world is becoming less predictable and more volatile, thrusting defence issues and international relations into the spotlight. These areas now require astute and relevant responses, with diplomats playing a crucial role in addressing these challenges.

Sciences Po stands at the forefront of promoting understanding in defence, political science, and public policy. It serves as an exceptional forum for debate and reflection, essential for understanding strategic issues.

Sciences Po Executive Education offers a high-level programme designed to decode this increasingly complex environment. It aims to help participants contextualise themselves and foster discussions on the key issues of the moment.

The programme focuses on current affairs and is delivered by leading experts, enabling participants to explore the major stakes in international relations and the new geostrategic challenges of the contemporary world.

Executives today must go beyond traditional boundaries, possessing not only the ability to comprehend political data but also to make informed political decisions.

Intended Participants

These 10 days certificate is designed for professionals in the public, private, or NGO sectors aiming to proceed to senior positions. In the cohort we have diplomats, public and private sector executives, directors of international companies, NGO’s representatives, civil society and International institutions.


  • Provide participants with the largest overview of the international relations and diplomacy practices and examples of international policy-making organizations and processes. 
  • Provide specific knowledge about international systems, to grasp ideas and elements that could be discussed in a benchmark approach. 
  • The programme will be a mixture of presentations, discussions and group work on specific case-studies and will present recommendations and inside information from officials within the institutions. It also provides a forum for ideas, exchange of good practices and networking. 
  • Build up and strengthen their leadership, and managerial skills as Executives/C-level ? 
  • Develop strategy and leadership on geopolitical governance issues. 
  • Problem driven iterative approach. 


Understanding International Institutions :

  • Key organisations (UN, WTO, etc.) and regional bodies (EU, AU), their roles in global governance (peacekeeping, human rights, standards) and the evolving landscape with new actors and challenges

Policy Analysis for a Globalised World :

  • Global policies: identifing key players, stakeholder interests & impacts.
  • Frameworks for a multi-angled (economic/political/social) approach to complex international issues

Building a Feminist International System through Multilateralism :

  • Examine the principles of feminist international relations, including gender equality, peacebuilding, and social justice

International Public Policy Making :

  • The roles of governments, organisations, NGOs, and civil society in shaping policies on climate change, health, and human rights

Economic Diplomacy in the Global Marketplace :

  • Trade negotiations, investment promotion, and fostering international economic partnerships
  • The role of international trade agreements and institutions in shaping the global economic landscape

Science Diplomacy: Leveraging Collaboration for Global Solutions :

  • Scientific exchange, joint research projects, and technology transfer
  • Science diplomacy in promoting peace, security, and sustainable development

Navigating the Global Economic System :

  • Institutions governing international trade and finance. 
  • The impact of World Trade Organization (WTO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and global financial markets on global economic governance

Building Bridges: The Power of Cultural Diplomacy :

  • Cultural exchange and strategies for promoting cultural dialogue, educational exchanges, and artistic collaborations
  • The role of cultural diplomacy in building bridges between countries and communities

Crisis Management and Anti-corruption Strategies :

  • Address crisis situations, from natural disasters to political conflicts 
  • Strategies for international cooperation in crisis management, peacekeeping operations, and humanitarian assistance
  • Good governance and anti-corruption

The Politics of Global Food Security :

  • Food production, distribution, access, and potential solutions for overcoming hunger and malnutrition
  • The role of international cooperation, trade policies, and sustainable food systems in addressing global food security

Reframing the North-South Dialogue for Sustainability :

  • Relationship between developed and developing countries in the context of environmental challenges
  • Solutions for achieving sustainable development globally

Facilitating the Transition to a Sustainable Future :

  • Navigating towards a more sustainable future, addressing climate change and its associated environmental issues

Global health policies 

Public policy in Education 


Diplomatic Practices across the World

Teaching Staff

    Marie-Hélène Weber-Goubin

    Sciences Po Executive Education

    Teuta Vodo

    Pedagogical Director, Sciences Po

    Dr Teuta Vodo has more than 12 years’ experience in foreign policy and security, academic research, public management, policy coordination and development from concept to implementation. She occupied various positions such as Minister of Justice, or Secretary International for the Albanian Government. In addition, she is an author, analyst and reviewer in policies, legislation, strategies, negotiations, EU constitutional law and geopolitics.

    Clément Lacouette- Fougère

    Tutor, SciencesPo

    Marie-Hélène Weber-Goubin

    Sciences Po Executive Education

    Teuta Vodo

    Pedagogical Director, Sciences Po

    Dr Teuta Vodo has more than 12 years’ experience in foreign policy and security, academic research, public management, policy coordination and development from concept to implementation. She occupied various positions such as Minister of Justice, or Secretary International for the Albanian Government. In addition, she is an author, analyst and reviewer in policies, legislation, strategies, negotiations, EU constitutional law and geopolitics.

    Practical Information

    • Duration: A bespoke accredited certificate over a minimum of 10 days (8 hours/day).
    • Date:
      • First week: from October 21st to October 25th. 
      • Second week: from December 16th to December 20th.
    • Format : In-person.
    • Campus : Sciences Po Executive Education, Paris.
    • Our courses can be adapted to accommodate various accessibility requirements. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss any necessary adjustments.

    Pedagogical Approach

    The programme is a blend of presentations, discussions and group work on specific case-studies. It also provides a forum for ideas, exchange of good practices and networking.


    The attendees will be divided into groups and will have to present a “Policy recommendation” assessed by Sciences Po.
    A mentor will be dedicated to the groups.
    This course leads to an Executive Certificate awarded by Sciences Po Executive Education.

    Admissions Process

    We are looking for participants who meet the following prerequisites: 

    • Have completed at least a bachelor. 
    • Have at least 5 years of professional experience 
    • Proficiency in English 

    We encourage applications from all individuals who meet the necessary qualifications, and we aim to attract participants who demonstrate great academic excellence, potential, and motivation, regardless of their background. We carefully consider each application on an individual basis, taking into account all the information presented on your application form, including: 

    • Cover letter 
    • Two references letter 
    • CV 
    • Copy of your valid passport Afterwards, selected candidates will be invited to attend a selection interview in English