Home>Programmes for individuals>Certificate Programmes>Cooperative Enterprise Governance
Cooperative Enterprise Governance
The collaboration between IFCAM, the University of the Crédit Agricole Group, and Sciences Po Executive Education, rooted in shared human values and complementary approaches, has led to the creation of the Certificate in Cooperative Enterprise Governance. The training programme is unique both in its design and format. It is aimed at all cooperative enterprise stakeholders in cooperative life who strive for excellence in their profession.
Similar to other types of organizations, cooperative enterprises operate within a dynamic and evolving landscape, marked by challenges such as climate transition, digital revolution, crises, and uncertainties. However, they also encounter specific issues, including addressing societal transformation issues while upholding cooperative values and managing member relationships to foster cooperative development.
In this context, governance requirements are becoming increasingly important, and the role of directors is becoming more decisive and impactful. The Certificate in Cooperative Enterprise Governance seeks to professionalise board practices to enhance the effectiveness of decision-making processes.
This programme will be held in French. Find more information on this page: Gouvernance d'une entreprise coopérative
Governance: actors, roles, and interactions
- Governance: actors, roles, and interactions
- Exploring the ecosystem of an enterprise and the principles of governance
- Actors and their interrelationships within the enterprise
- The Board's role and the principles governing governance bodies
- Understanding Board composition and its dynamics
- Differentiating between oversight and direction in governance
- Upholding cooperative values within governance frameworks
Director's Responsibility
- Understanding civil liability in the context of directorship
- Exploring criminal liability associated with directorial roles
- Managing conflicts of interest within cooperative structures
- Understanding the concept of de facto directorship
Board Operations
- Embracing the concept of collegiality within board dynamics
- Utilising committees for effective governance
- Establishing the relationship between committees and the Board of Directors
- Evaluating the performance of the Board and its committees
Strategic planning: Developing a roadmap for organisational success
- Defining the cooperative's mission and vision to guide strategic direction
- Strategy formulation: Understanding the process of strategy development
- Contributions and roles of the Board of Directors and General Management
- Market analysis tools and techniques
- Evaluating necessary or productive investments
Control and Adaptation
- Monitoring strategy execution: Utilising dashboards for performance tracking
- Understanding the impact of risks on strategy
- Adapting to market shifts to ensure strategic relevance
- Communicating the strategy to various stakeholders
- Application of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Criteria
Transformation Challenges
- Ecological transition: Addressing climate and biodiversity challenges
- Promoting social cohesion within the cooperative and broader society
- Navigating technological disruptions to leverage opportunities for growth
- Exploring the role of the cooperative model in contributing to societal well-being and progress
- Explore an industry sector or integrated sector where the cooperative model fosters technological, economic, or social innovation.
- Engage with a cooperative and its ecosystem to expand perspectives and transfer effective governance practices to your own environment.
- Evaluate the impact of an activity on the development of a territory, assessing its influence on economic, social, and environmental dimensions.
Financial Management
- Understanding fundamental concepts and key indicators
- Establishing the link between strategy and budgeting processes
- Exploring avenues for access to financing
Audit and Risk
- Risk mapping
- Role and function of committees (audit, risks, CSR)
- Understanding the roles of internal and external audits
- Crisis management strategies
Communication with Third Parties
- Compiling the annual management report
- Extra-Financial Performance Statement
- Conducting a comprehensive cooperative review
- Addressing key person risk through succession planning
- Preparing for succession and adopting diverse approaches
- Executive remuneration practices
- Aligning remuneration and objectives with strategy and risks
- Role and function of the remuneration committee
- Evaluation of management performance
Nurturing Cooperative Governance
- Understanding the board composition of the cooperative
- The relationship between Management and the Board of Directors
- Facilitating the General Meeting of a cooperative
The Cooperative Ecosystem
- Corporate policy as a continuous action and engagement lever
- The Board of Directors examination of the social balance sheet
- Adapting to social transformations within the cooperative ecosystem
Adapting board debates
- Extracting relevant information
- Constructive criticism
- Influencing decision-making
- Leveraging creativity
Scenario-based exercises:
Practical scenarios designed to simulate real-world challenges faced by boards, including disruption, crisis management, and financial performance degradation
Constructive Feedback
Speakers will provide both collective and individual feedback based on the exercises, offering insights to enhance board practices.
Teaching Staff
Next Start Date(s)
Contact us
12 day(s)
84 hours
Contact us
Adriana Culotta
Programme Advisor
+ 33 (0)1 45 49 85 94 | adriana.culotta@sciencespo.fr
Contact by email