Home>Programmes for individuals>Short Programmes>Aligning Finance and Strategy to Create Value

Aligning Finance and Strategy to Create Value

The effectiveness and success of a strategy are significantly influenced by the financial robustness and adaptability of a company.

Long-term financial planning as well as an analysis of the impact of value creation should occur in tandem with strategic development.

Too often, strategy and finance are treated in silos by companies and their boards of directors. The objective of this training programme is to equip participants with the tools needed for their integrated management.

This programme will be held in French.



  • How to strategically interpret a balance sheet by analysing the financial structure based on the business model
  • Identifying financial dynamics related to the company's activities and industry
  • Understanding how the life cycle of an activity impacts financial dynamics: examining the risk, profitability, and growth characteristics of a strategic unit throughout its life cycle
  • Defining the financial characteristics of activities at different stages—start-up, rapid growth, and maturity—and deriving their expected performance and development strategies
  • Linking strategy and company value: how the quality of a strategy influences its financial performance and long-term value
  • Identifying connections between building a competitive advantage, capital allocation, cash flow generation, and value recognition by investors
  • Defining a value-creating strategy and integrating the financial dimension into strategy development
  • Building a strategic theory of value and reviewing different strategic models directly applicable to a board of directors
  • Efficiently allocating available and forecast capital to make value-creating decisions
  • Measuring the overall strategic performance of the company using both financial and non-financial indicators to assess the quality of its strategy and reward executives
  • Identifying the links between non-financial performance and financial performance
  • Implementing a shareholder strategy to ensure the support and trust of shareholders
  • Organising shareholder dialogue and building strategic arguments around value creation to gain shareholder confidence
  • Organising board work to enable directors to effectively contribute to the development of the company's strategy