Accueil>Banking crises and lender of last resort in theory and practice in Swedish history, 1850-2010
Banking crises and lender of last resort in theory and practice in Swedish history, 1850-2010
À propos de cet événement
Le 25 février 2013 de 13:30 à 15:00
Guest speaker: Anders OGREN, Uppsala University
Discussant: Eric MONNET, Paris School of Economics and EHESS
Anders OGREN, holds a PhD in Economic History from the Stockholm School of Economics. He is currently an associate professor at the Department of Economic History, Lund University and an associate researcher to the Uppsala Center for Business History (UCBH) at Uppsala University (Sweden). He has been a visitor at the Stern School of Business (NYU), EconomiX-Histoire et Théorie Economique at the Université de Paris X-Nanterre and at Barnard College (Columbia U.). His research focuses on monetary and financial history, a field in which he has published several articles, e.g. “Free or central banking? Liquidity and financial deepening in Sweden, 1834-1913,” Explorations in Economic History (2006), and “Multiple paper monies in Sweden, 1789-1903: Substitution or complementarity,” Financial History Review (with Torbjörn Engdahl, 2008).
Eric MONNET holds a Phd in economics from the Paris School of Economics and EHESS (2012) and is currently a post-doc researcher in monetary economics at Ghent University. His research in economic history deals with monetary policy, banking supervision and credit policies in Western Europe from WWII to the 1980s. He is an editor of Tracés, a French multidisciplinary journal in social sciences.