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Economics, Economy and Feminism: transatlantic perspectives
Whether as front-line health workers, care givers or in other highly exposed or informal sectors, women are bearing the brunt of COVID-19. Additionally women have seen a massive increase in unpaid care and domestic responsibilities. In short, COVID-19 is a gendered crisis and gender must be central to our economic recovery. However, models of economic recovery, namely those used in Latin American countries, tend to focus mainly on male-dominated sectors.
Economics, Economy and Feminism: transatlantic perspectives
On March 3, 2021, PRESAGE – Sciences Po’s Gender Studies Programme, partners with Le Grand Continent journal, the Center for Studies and Research on Economics and Feminisms (NuEFem) of the Institute of Economics of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the OECD Development Centre, to open a discussion on Economics, Economy and Feminism with:
- Mercedes D'Alessandro, Argentinean economist, National Director of Economy and Gender in the Argentinean Ministry of Economy, co-founder of the digital publication Economía Femini(s)ta
- Nancy Folbre, American economist, member of the editorial board of the Journal of Women, Politics & Policy
- Hélène Périvier, French economist, author of the recently released book L’Economie féministe
- Margarita Silvia Olivera, Brazilian economist, coordinator of the coordinator of the Economia e Feminismo extension project
This Dev Talk will be an opportunity to explore a “feminist economics” perspective on recovery. Argentina, for example, was one of the first countries to include a gender dimension by appointing a national director of economy, equality and gender, a newly created position within the ministry of economy. In this vein, how can theoretical tools like "feminist economics" contribute to a recovery that works for women and girls, whilst accounting for the intersectionality of race, gender and class? What are the main challenges to translating the theory of "feminist economics" into concrete public policies? The discussion will draw on different approaches in the US, Brazil, Argentina and France.