Home>Gender and Climate Change: Sciences Po and the French Development Agency disclose a new study
Gender and Climate Change: Sciences Po and the French Development Agency disclose a new study
In the prospect of the Generation Equality Forum, the French Development Agency (AFD), Sciences Po’s Gender Studies Programme (PRESAGE) and French Economic Observatory (OFCE) present a joint study aimed at identifying discourses on gender and climate change articulated by different types of stakeholders in international development. The study reveals competing approaches and discourses with regards to gender and climate.
A multidisciplinary research team
A team of political scientists, sociologists and economists specialised in the politics of gender and in climate action was set up to carry out a comprehensive critical analysis of the policy frames through which the intersection of gender and climate change is tackled. Six researchers were involved: Maxime Forest, Sciences Po-PRESAGE researcher, Christlord Foreste, OFCE research assistant, Meriem Hamdi-Cherif, OFCE economist, Paul Malliet, OFCE economist, Hélène Périvier, OFCE economist, and Serge Rabier, AFD senior research officer.
The largest repository ever constituted on this issue
Building upon an up-to-date state of the art, a sample of 54 organizations was defined. A body of 800 strategic documents, policy briefs, instruments and project-related documents addressing the nexus of gender and climate was referenced. This repository, arguably the largest ever constituted on this issue, demonstrates the growing relevance of the gender and climate nexus to major international development and climate action stakeholders.
8 discursive frames were identified
Once all documents coded, a software-based cross analysis was carried out and 8 discursive frames were identified and analysed. Each frame consists in a specific understanding of the gender and climate nexus, thus formulating different diagnoses, therefore different solutions to gender and climate challenges.