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Archives and Digital History
The Archives and Digital History focus area brings the CHSP’s research community together around three complementary spheres of expertise, which are integral to our academic identity:
- Archival: conservation, use, and promotion of archive collections related to 20th century political, institutional, and scholarly history
- Quantitative: production, exploitation, visualisation, and promotion of historical and cartographic data
- Publishing: open access publication of digital journals, documentary editions, and virtual exhibitions.
Each of these spheres of expertise involves a synergy between cutting-edge research and the development of documentary collections and digital corpora for the academic community. The focus area’s activities feature a collective approach centred on pooling skills and research-led teaching, at both the Master’s and doctoral levels.
A point of engagement between many individual and collective research projects conducted by the CHSP’s research community, the Archives and Digital History focus area structures and reports on its activities in two forms.
- A workshop/seminar, entitled “History & Digital Technology”, which aims to inform, support, and raise awareness among the CHSP’s research community about developing and implementing projects that include a digital dimension, whether centrally or not; and to engage in practical debate about how the historian’s profession is evolving.
- A research blog [url pending] that reports on and promotes the activities of the CHSP research community in the field of Digital History, whether it be large-scale collective research, pedagogical experimentation, individual research, etc.
For more information
Émilien Ruiz (Sciences Po, Centre for History)