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Focus areas and themes
Research in history is organised into two cross-cutting focus areas and four themes. The CHSP hosts many research events run by faculty and PhD students, including conferences, seminars, and workshops. Our researchers produce a wealth of individual and collective publications.
Two cross-cutting focus areas
The first focus area, Political History, is central to the CHSP’s identity. Political History is understood in the broad sense given to it by contemporary historiography and in a long-term perspective that extends from the early modern period to the present day. This focus area hinges on the monthly Centre for History Seminar, which brings together the CHSP’s entire research and research support community and follows the development of current research at the Centre or abroad.
The second focus area, Archives and Digital History, involves three complementary spheres of expertise:
- archival: conservation and use of the archive collections relating to 20th century political, institutional, and scholarly history held by the CHSP
- quantitative: production, exploitation, visualisation, and promotion of historical and cartographic data
- publishing: open access publication of digital journals, documentary editions, and virtual exhibitions.
Four themes
Since September 2019, our research has been organised around the following themes:
- Sovereignty. States, Empires, International Relations
- Government. Institutions, Knowledge, Norms
- Experiences. Social Actors, Movements, & Groups
- Humanities. Lives, Materialities, Representations