A Prize for Luca Provenzano

  • Actualité Sciences PoActualité Sciences Po

Luca Provenzano's article "'Power is in the Streets': Protest and Militancy in France, Italy and West Germany, 1968-1979"  has just been awarded the Prize for Contemporary European History 2022.

Published online by Cambridge University Press on May 25, 2023, available in Open Access 

> Luca Provenzano's page

2022 Contemporary European History Prize

Trophy Photographs in WWII

Project news

Above : Private Sam Miller of Pennsylvania holds a photograph of a Japanese woman, found in a Japanese dugout when US forces landed on Wakde Island.
Photographer: Jim Fitzpatrick, 26 May 1944.

Trophy Photographs in WWII
An Interdisciplinary and Transnational Debate


Collaborative and Interdisciplinary project funded by the Scientific Advisory Board at Sciences Po and the Hamburger Stiftung zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Kultur.

Since the invention of the photographic camera, combatants have captured their experiences of war in images. During the Second World War in particular, amateur photography by soldiers became a social phenomenon and mass medium. Equipped with fast-shutter, affordable 35mm cameras, Axis and Allied servicemen documented their wartime activities extensively, in turn leaving behind a gigantic, private—and largely underexplored— archive that poses multiple epistemological and ethical challenges. In innumerable photographs, soldiers visually celebrated their victories over an enemy or conquered population; common pictorial tropes included posing next to an opponent’s tank or with foreign women, fixating on dead bodies, and mocking the enemy.

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The Shôken Fund and the evolution of the Red Cross movement

by Romain Fathi and Melanie Oppenheimer (Published online: 19 June 2023)
  • Actualité Sciences PoActualité Sciences Po
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Rivers on the move

Workshop final du projet Shifting Shores
  • Actualité Sciences PoActualité Sciences Po

Rivers on the move

June 1-2, 2023

On June 1-2, 2023, the Emergences project SHIFTING SHORES will hold its final workshop at Brown University, United States. Born from a collaboration of Giacomo Parrinello (Sciences Po, CHSP) with Bathsheba Demuth and Larry Smith from Brown University and Mark Healey from the University of Connecticut, the workshop will gather scholars from history, anthropology, landscape architecture, geography, hydrology, fluvial geomorphology and sedimentology to discuss the multifaceted relationship between the natural dynamism of rivers and deltas and social, economic, and political change with case studies covering rivers in the Americas, Europe, and Asia. Twenty-first century riverine and coastal vulnerabilities often emerge from past efforts to make amphibious zones fully terrestrial—to settle, confine, and control hydrological processes.The workshop will investigate why and how people have attempted to fix or settle amphibious and shifting riverine landscapes, the consequences for rivers’ forms and behavior, and how such past human-river interactions influence contemporary life. The participants will work together on an edited collection that will present the variety of approaches and case studies to understand the history of “rivers on the move” in well-researched but accessible essays.

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Call for Expression of Interest Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2023 (IF)

Deadline: May 31st, 2023
  • Actualité Sciences PoActualité Sciences Po


In the past few years the Centre for History of Sciences Po (hereinafter CHSP) has successfully acted as a host institution for the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowships awarded by the European Commission.
The 2023 call for these Fellowships has been published by the European Commission with an application deadline of September 13, 2023 (17:00 CEST).

Read the call
The CHSP welcomes expressions of interest from potential candidates and organizes a pre-selection with a deadline of May 31st 2023 (24:00 CEST).

Candidates should ensure that they fulfill the conditions of eligibility and send an expression of interest to the CHSP (regine.serra@sciencespo.fr)

Application file should include the following elements :
1. Personal data
2. A short CV
3. A two-page research proposal
4. A short statement explaining why the candidate has chosen the CHSP as host institution and indicating the name(s) of CHSP professor(s) who could supervise the research.

The CHSP will decide whether to support the application on the basis of an internal academic evaluation and the availability of appropriate supervision.
Candidates will be informed of the result of the pre-selection by early July. The selected candidates will be offered scientific and administrative supervision in the preparation of the application.

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships 2023 (IF) (PDF, 96 Ko)

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