CFP | 13th Annual International Student Conference of Cold War History Research Center, Budapest

Deadline: April 30, 2023

13th Annual International Student Conference of the Cold War History Research Center, Budapest


from BA, MA and doctoral students

The Cold War History Research Center is now accepting proposals for its 13th Annual International Student Conference to be held at Corvinus University of Budapest on June 6–7, 2023.

The conference will take place in Budapest, Hungary and organized in collaboration with the European Institute at Columbia University, New York, the Cold War International History Project, Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars, Washington D.C. and the London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of International History, Contemporary International History and the Global Cold War Research Cluster

As was the case with our previous conferences, this year’s Conference will focus also on the Cold War era in general, and on the post-Cold War period. Possible topics may include (but are not limited) the following sections:

  • East Central Europe in the Cold War and its Aftermath
  • Hungary in the Cold War
  • Western Europe and the Cold War
  • The Soviet Union and the United States in the Cold War
  • Asia and Africa in the Cold War and its Aftermath
  • International Relations during the Cold War
  • International Relations in the post-Cold War era
  • Special topic for 2023: The role of non-state actors in the Cold War
  • Presenters on this topic will be eligible for contributing essays for the forthcoming Palgrave
  • Handbook of Non-State Actors in East–West Relations.

Please, send us an abstract on any of the abovementioned topics. Abstracts should be
approximately 3000–5000 characters long and should be sent in Word format via email to
Research Coordinator, PhD candidate Leonardo ZANATTA:

[Read more] (PDF, 551 Ko)

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Bruno Latour Fund : Call for applications for postdoctoral fellowships

Deadline: April 25, 2023

Sciences Po is launching a call for applications for postdoctoral fellowships as part of the Bruno Latour Fund, a
postdoctoral research program on environmental and climate transformations.
Ambitious in its scope, this scientific program hosted at Sciences Po in Paris aims to host early-career social
scientists wishing to participate in a collective and multidisciplinary initiative on how ecological and climate crises
are reshaping the contemporary economic, social, legal and political order, and how they invite us to
reconsider our history.
These postdoctoral contracts, lasting 36 months each, will be filled in according to the following process:
- Applications to be sent no later than April 25, 2023.
- Auditions in June 2023
- Start of the contract in Fall 2023
The remuneration is about 3.400 € gross per month. Successful candidates will be assigned to one of Sciences
Po's research centers (see list below), according to their wishes and with the agreement of the center, thus
benefitting from its working environment. Each candidate will receive a personal research fund of 5,000 euros for
the duration of his/her contract.

[Read more (PDF, 88 KB)]

Four doctoral candidates in the history of political thought, Uppsala

Deadline: May 10

call for four doctoral candidates within the new doctoral school in the history of political thought, Uppsala University 

The doctoral school consists of the departments of the history of ideas at Uppsala University, Stockholm University, Södertörn University and Gothenburg University, funded by the Swedish national research council for the doctoral cycle 2023–2027. The doctoral school will train a new generation of doctoral students in historical analysis of the political. We welcome applications addressing a wide area of research interests with relevance to the history of political thought, for instance: the histories of thinking the environment, intellectual histories of the market and political economy; the history of ideologies including, but not limited to, populism, neoliberalism and fascism; histories of memory, future, temporality and scale. We welcome a plurality of geographical scopes and chronologies. The working language is English. Ten positions are open, four at Uppsala.

[Read more]

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Populism, Migration policies, and Racism in Tunisia

Round Table 9 March 2023
  • Actualité Sciences PoActualité Sciences Po

Round Table 9 March, 7:15 pm at Sciences Po


Co-chair : Shreya Parikh (Sciences Po, CERI-CNRS) and Mhamed Oualdi (Centre for History at Sciences Po)

  • Huda Mzioudet, activist and researcher at University of Toronto
  • Mahmoud Kaba, Chargé de programme-migration, EuroMed Rights
  • Hela Yousfi, maître de conférences HDR, Université Paris-Dauphine-PSL
  • Nadia Marzouki (Sciences Po, CERI-CNRS)

Face to face and online seminar. French and English 


On 21 February 2023, Tunisia’s president Kaïs Saied called a meeting with the National Security Council to take urgent measures “to address the phenomenon of the influx of large numbers of irregular migrants from sub-Saharan Africa to Tunisia.” He claimed that certain parties “received huge sums of money after 2011” in order to make Tunisia “a purely African country with no affiliation with the Arab and Islamic nations.” This Great Replacement-type discourse unleashed a state- and civilian-supported violence from Tunisians against ‘Africans’ – Black and dark- skinned folks of both sub-Saharan and Tunisian origin, who were seen as foreigners, “uncivilized”, “illegal”, prone to all forms of vice and needing to be controlled.
The round-table will bring together academics from different fields and civil-society members to reflect on three sets of interrelated questions, one about how the current affirmation of “white” nationalism and populism in Tunisia is related to a broader politic around migration in Europe and throughout the Mediterranean; the other about the current outburst of anti-Black racism and how it expresses an older and more structural form of anti-Blackness in Tunisian history. Finally: what do these events and the arrestation of political opponents tell us about the political and economic crisis and the survival of democracy in Tunisia?

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