CfP | Women and the Liberation in metropolitan France and the Empire, 1944-1946

Deadline: before July 10, 2024
  • Droits réservés. Centre de documentation du Musée de l'ArméeDroits réservés. Centre de documentation du Musée de l'Armée

Call for papers

CfP | Women and the Liberation in metropolitan France and the Empire, 1944-1946


Organized by the Conseil scientifique et d'orientation de la Mission du 80ème anniversaire de la Libération, this conference focuses on the two or three years that make up the "moment" of the Liberation, from 1944 to 1946. Its aim is to examine the transformations that took place in women's lives and gender relations - in combat, in political life in the broadest sense and in their activities - in metropolitan France and the Empire. This international meeting will both review the current state of knowledge and highlight new aspects. Since the publication in 1995 of the first issue of the journal Clio, Histoire, Femmes et Sociétés devoted to "Résistances et Libérations", there has been an accumulation of 5 work, but the importance of the Liberation in the period known as the low point of the feminist wave is still little studied. Historiography has focused on the feminists and feminisms of the French Revolution, the long 19th century and the "second wave" (1970s onwards). The conference will provide an opportunity to examine the fighting capacities of women, both Resistance fighters and collaborators, to probe their involvement in politics as new voters in 1945 (including in the colonies and overseas departments) but also as workers or "housewives", and to appreciate their autonomy. In 1995, Françoise Thébaud asked: "Did women have a Liberation?” The general hypothesis put forward for discussion is that these three years or so represented a phase of openness for women, but that continuities remained strong.


[Read more] Call for Papers (PDF, FR-EN, 127 Ko)

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CfP | Women and the Liberation in metropolitan France and the Empire, 1944-1946

Deadline: before July 10, 2024
  • Droits réservés. Centre de documentation du Musée de l'ArméeDroits réservés. Centre de documentation du Musée de l'Armée

Appel à communication

Les femmes et la Libération (métropole et Empire), 1944-1946


Organisé par le Conseil scientifique et d’orientation de la Mission du 80 ème anniversaire de la Libération, ce colloque porte sur les deux ou trois années qui constituent le « moment » de la Libération, de 1944 à 1946. Il souhaite interroger les transformations intervenues dans la vie des femmes et dans les rapports de genre – au combat, dans la Cité et dans leurs activités – en France métropolitaine et dans l’Empire. Cette rencontre internationale propose à la fois un état des lieux des connaissances et la mise en lumière d’aspects nouveaux.
Depuis la parution en 1995, du premier numéro de la revue Clio, Histoire, Femmes et Sociétés consacré à « Résistances et Libérations », les travaux se sont accumulés mais l’importance de la Libération dans la période dite du « creux de la vague » féministe est encore peu étudiée. L’historiographie s’est concentrée sur les féministes et les féminismes de la Révolution française, du long XIXème siècle et de
la « deuxième vague » (des années 1970 et suivantes). Le colloque sera l’occasion de s’interroger sur les capacités combattantes des femmes, des résistantes comme des collaboratrices, de sonder leur engagement dans la Cité comme nouvelles électrices en 1945 (y compris dans les colonies et les départements d’outre-mer) mais aussi comme travailleuses ou « ménagères », et d’apprécier leur autonomie.
« Les femmes ont-elles eu une Libération ? » se demandait en 1995 Françoise Thébaud. L’hypothèse générale soumise à la discussion est que ces quelque trois ans ont représenté pour les femmes une phase d’ouverture mais que les continuités sont restées marquées.

Lire la suite dans l'Appel à communication (PDF, FR, 127 Ko)

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[Recruitment] An Assistant Professor in History "Genocide and mass violence in 20th century Europe"

Deadline: September 20, 2024
  • Etudiants avec masques dans l’amphithéâtre, rentrée 2020. Thomas Arrivé / ScPoEtudiants avec masques dans l’amphithéâtre, rentrée 2020. Thomas Arrivé / ScPo

The Centre d'Histoire de Sciences Po / Centre for History at Sciences Po (CHSP) is recruiting a tenure-track FNSP Assistant Professor (private status) in the history of genocide and mass violence in 20th-century Europe. The research areas concerned may cover the whole of the European continent, extending as far as the Caucasus, with a particular but by no means exclusive focus on Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

The CHSP focuses on modern political history, with a wide range of subjects and approaches. It is especially interested in international perspectives, including comparative and entangled histories.

Within this general framework, the post lies at the crossroads between the history of the policies and practices of persecution and extermination, the history of war and civil war, and the history of forms of violence. These issues connect with the Centre's existing areas of research strength.

Applicants may specialise in the following areas:

  • the study of genocide and mass violence perpetrated against entire groups: diasporas, ethnic, religious and sexual minorities, women, children, social and political enemies, vulnerable groups and even entire nations;
  • the objectives, methods, traumatic effects and memorial representations of genocide and mass violence (deportation, ethnic cleansing, massacres, extermination) and all aspects of resistance to genocide or mass violence;
  • the history of these mass crimes’ qualification, within law and the social sciences.

Approaches may range from genocidal projects and practices on the scale of States to micro-historical studies, from the history of Empires to that of survivors, from the history of law to archaeology.

Applications should be historians of genocide and of mass violence. It would be appreciated if they can contribute to the interdisciplinary dialogue in relation to present debates, and through their work, contribute to reflection on the sources of contemporary tension and violence in Europe. The person recruited will contribute to the many initiatives taken by Sciences Po in terms of training, of raising awareness among the younger generation, and of partnerships with civil society.

The position requires both individual and group research experience. Candidates should already have experience of teaching and active participation in scientific debates. Particular attention will be paid to interdisciplinary and transnational approaches. Fluency in English and either fluency in French or a commitment to rapidly acquire a working knowledge of the French language are required.

▸ Read more Job Profile (PDF, EN, 105 Ko)

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CfP | Dealing with the Aftermath of Violence: Institutions and Players in the 20th & 21st centuries

Colloque junior CHSP, November 28-29, 2024
  • Actualité Sciences PoActualité Sciences Po

Appel à propositions : /histoire/sites/ for papers_Colloque junior_28&29nov2024.pdf

Tags :

workshop | Imperial and colonial Currencies

6-7 June 2024
  • Actualité Sciences PoActualité Sciences Po
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