Kristen Ghodsee and Mario Kessler

Visiting Researchers, March 2021
  • Kristen Ghodsee et Mario Kessler, Visiting Researchers March 2021Kristen Ghodsee et Mario Kessler, Visiting Researchers March 2021

Kristen Ghodsee

Kristen Ghodsee est professeure invitée au Centre d'histoire du 1er au 31 mars 2021.
Chercheur référent : Gerd-Rainer Horn

Kristen R. Ghodsee is Professor of Russian and East European Studies and a Member of the Graduate Group in Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania.
Her articles and essays have been translated into over twenty languages and have appeared in publications such as The 
New Republic, The Lancet, Ms. Magazine, The Washington Post, and The New York Times. She is also the author of nine books, most recently: Second World, Second Sex: Socialist Women's Activism and Global Solidarity during the Cold War (Duke University Press, 2019; Bulgarian edition, October 2020) and Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence (Bold Type Books, 2018 and 2020), which has already had thirteen international editions. Her latest book is Taking Stock of the Shock: Social Impacts of Transition in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, co-authored with Mitchell A. Orenstein and forthcoming with Oxford University Press.
Ghodsee has held visiting fellowships at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC, the Aleksanteri Institute at the University of Helsinki in Finland, and at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research 
and the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies in Germany.
She was also awarded a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship for her work in Anthropology and Cultural Studies.

CV de Kristen R. Ghodsee

Interventions prévues dans les séminaires suivants :

  • 11/03/2021 Acteurs et mouvements sociaux s'inscrire
    State socialist women's organizations and their role during the U.N. Decade for Women (1975-1985)
  • 11/03/2021 Mondes communistes / Mondes soviétiques ▸ s'inscrire
    Sex and Superpower Rivalry: Women's Rights and Cold War Competition at the United Nations, 1968-1989
  • 18/03/2021 Acteurs et mouvement sociaux (Roundtable) 
    The Unfulfilled Promise of Communism in Eastern Europe

Mario Kessler

Mario Kessler, que nous devions recevoir l'année dernière, est professeur invité au Centre d'histoire du 1er au 31 mars 2021 (à distance).
Chercheur référent : Gerd-Rainer Horn

Mario Kessler is Professor and Senior Researcher at the Leibniz Center for Contemporary History at Potsdam, Germany. He teaches at the University of Potsdam and has frequently been a visiting professor at Yeshiva University in New York and other American universities. He has written more than twenty-five books in German and English on the history of modern anti-Semitism, socialism, and the history of historiography. He also edited and co-edited many books on these and other subjects.

CV de Mario Kessler

Interventions prévues dans les séminaires suivants :

  • 04/03/2021 Acteurs et mouvements sociaux ▸ s'inscrire
    Séance consacrée à la IIe Internationale, 1889-1914. Mario Kessler commentera l'intervention de Jean-Numa Ducange.
  • 08/03/2021 Séminaire du Centre d'histoire 
    Mario Kessler interviendra sur le récent ouvrage de Gerd-Rainer Horn The Moment of Liberation in Western Europe. Power Struggles and Rebellions, 1943-1948 (Oxford UP, 2020)
  • 18/03/2021 Acteurs et mouvement sociaux (Roundtable) 
    The Unfulfilled Promise of Communism in Eastern Europe


Kristen Ghodsee

Kristen Ghodsee is Visiting Researcher from 1st to 31st March 2021.
Referent Researcher: Gerd-Rainer Horn

Kristen R. Ghodsee is Professor of Russian and East European Studies and a Member of the Graduate Group in Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania.
Her articles and essays have been translated into over twenty languages and have appeared in publications such as The 
New Republic, The Lancet, Ms. Magazine, The Washington Post, and The New York Times. She is also the author of nine books, most recently: Second World, Second Sex: Socialist Women's Activism and Global Solidarity during the Cold War (Duke University Press, 2019; Bulgarian edition, October 2020) and Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism: And Other Arguments for Economic Independence (Bold Type Books, 2018 and 2020), which has already had thirteen international editions. Her latest book is Taking Stock of the Shock: Social Impacts of Transition in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, co-authored with Mitchell A. Orenstein and forthcoming with Oxford University Press.
Ghodsee has held visiting fellowships at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington DC, the Aleksanteri Institute at the University of Helsinki in Finland, and at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research 
and the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies in Germany.
She was also awarded a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship for her work in Anthropology and Cultural Studies.

Kristen R. Ghodsee CV 

Upcoming discourses:

  • 11/03/2021 Acteurs et mouvements sociaux Register
    State socialist women's organizations and their role during the U.N. Decade for Women (1975-1985)
  • 11/03/2021 Mondes communistes / Mondes soviétiques ▸ Register
    Sex and Superpower Rivalry: Women's Rights and Cold War Competition at the United Nations, 1968-1989
  • 18/03/2021 Acteurs et mouvement sociaux (Roundtable) 
    The Unfulfilled Promise of Communism in Eastern Europe

Mario Kessler

Mario Kessler, que nous devions recevoir l'année dernière, est professeur invité au Centre d'histoire du 1er au 31 mars 2021 (à distance).
Referent Researcher: Gerd-Rainer Horn

Mario Kessler is Professor and Senior Researcher at the Leibniz Center for Contemporary History at Potsdam, Germany. He teaches at the University of Potsdam and has frequently been a visiting professor at Yeshiva University in New York and other American universities. He has written more than twenty-five books in German and English on the history of modern anti-Semitism, socialism, and the history of historiography. He also edited and co-edited many books on these and other subjects.

Mario Kessler CV

Upcoming discourses:

  • 04/03/2021 Acteurs et mouvements sociaux ▸ Register
    Séance consacrée à la IIe Internationale, 1889-1914. Mario Kessler commentera l'intervention de Jean-Numa Ducange.
  • 08/03/2021 Séminaire du Centre d'histoire 
    Mario Kessler interviendra sur le récent ouvrage de Gerd-Rainer Horn The Moment of Liberation in Western Europe. Power Struggles and Rebellions, 1943-1948 (Oxford UP, 2020)
  • 18/03/2021 Acteurs et mouvement sociaux (Roundtable) 
    The Unfulfilled Promise of Communism in Eastern Europe
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The Unfulfilled Promise of Communism in Eastern Europe

March 18, Roundtable (Social Actors and Movements Seminar)
  • "Alexanderplatz, Berlin", 2011 Copyright: M. Wathieu (Flickr) CC BY 2.0"Alexanderplatz, Berlin", 2011 Copyright: M. Wathieu (Flickr) CC BY 2.0

March 18, 2021
14:30 ▸ 18:30

Roundtable co-sponsored by Institut Historique Allemand à Paris (IHA)

Special session of the Seminar "Acteurs et mouvements sociaux"

Coordination: Camille Fauroux, Zoé Grumberg, Gerd-Rainer Horn, Thomas Maineult, and Catherine Rouvière.


With the defeat of the Nazi Empire in 1945, Eastern European societies needed to reconstruct their badly damaged industrial, political and social infrastructure. Yet Eastern Europeans also wished to embark on new departures to construct a brighter future. The goal was not simply to return to the status quo ante bellum, which had often been highly conflict-torn, but to construct qualitatively ‘better’ societies in more ways than one.

Communism, for obvious reasons, became a major player in this conjuncture from the very beginning of the moment of liberation onward. On the one hand, the hopes and wishes of significant numbers of Eastern European citizens were closely linked to various options of a post-capitalist society, regardless of whether they identified with Communism or not. The presence of sometimes rather strong Communist Parties added an important and peculiar dimension to such efforts.

The four presentations of this Round Table are meant to draw attention to four crucial aspects of this tug of war between collective desires for meaningful political and economic democracy and the realities emerging in the course of the ensuing Cold War. 

«Real Socialism? Returnees from Western Exile as Historians in the GDR»

«From the Communist ‘Concrete Utopia’ to the Janus Face of the ‘Vanguard Party’ - and Vice Versa»

«Beyond the Double Burden: Women’s Rights and State Socialism in Eastern Europe»

«From True Believers to Real Rebels: The Origins of Eastern Europe’s 1968»

Programme (PDF, 134 Ko)

▸ Registration required

University of Jyväskylä | Senior lecturer in political history for five years

Deadline for application: March 26th 2021

[Recrutement / Recruitment]

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is currently seeking to recruit a

SENIOR LECTURER, HISTORY, from September 1st 2021 for a fixed term of five years (as a substitute for a permanent member of staff).

The Senior Lecturer’s position is allocated to the Department of History and Ethnology and its subject area of History.

The Senior Lecturer’s duties focus on teaching general history to undergraduate and post-graduate students, with a particular emphasis on teaching and research in comparative and transnational modern European history.

For further information in English, see Avoin työpaikka (


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Welcome to Corey Ross

Vincent Wright Fellowship for Jan-June 2021
  • Corey RossCorey Ross

Vincent Wright Fellowship for Jan-June 2021

Corey Ross is Professor of Modern History at the University of Birmingham.
Contact during the semester:

His primary research interests are in global environmental history, the history of empire, and the social and cultural history of twentieth-century Europe. After completing several projects on a variety of different subjects (the history of mass communications, publicity and popular culture; the global history of preservation, and the history of post-war Germany), his most recent book is an environmental history of the heyday of European imperialism, from roughly 1880 through the end of the colonial period to the present (Ecology and Power in the Age of Empire, 2017; winner of the 2018 George Louis Beer Prize, AHA).
He is currently writing a book (tentatively titled 
Liquid Empire) on the history of European empire through the lens of water, which tells the story of how different technologies, institutions, and forms of knowledge transformed human engagements with water in the colonial world, and how aquatic nature was reshaped in the process—with lasting consequences for the post-colonial world. 


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The political life of Jean Charbonnel

Discover Jean Charbonnel Series (FR)
  • Fonds Jean CharbonnelFonds Jean Charbonnel

Illustration : Agendas personnels de Jean Charbonnel, 1973, Fonds Jean Charbonnel, CHA5. Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po – Archives d’histoire contemporaine. Tous droits réservés.

La vie politique de Jean Charbonnel à travers son fonds d’archives

L’ouvrage dirigé par Gilles Le Béguec et Jérôme Pozzi, Jean Charbonnel. Un intellectuel gaulliste en politique, Nouveau monde, avril 2021, évoque la carrière de Jean Charbonnel sous ses différentes facettes. Le fonds Jean Charbonnel conservé aux Archives d’histoire contemporaine (AHC) permet de suivre sa carrière politique notamment par sa collection d’agendas allant de 1963 à 2013 mais également par ses nombreux dossiers de travail.

Jean Charbonnel a occupé des fonctions variées au sein de plusieurs gouvernements. On peut notamment consulter les dossiers relatifs à ses déplacements en tant que secrétaire d’État aux Affaires étrangères chargé de la coopération (1966-1967) et les documents concernant son poste de ministre du Développement industriel et scientifique (1972-1974) dont ceux qui traitent de l’affaire LIP, entreprise d’horlogerie, de mécanique et d’armement en difficulté, comme l’illustre le communiqué annoté du 9 août 1973.

Il est également possible d’étudier ses fonctions électives locales de maire de Brive (1966-1995) et de député de Corrèze et son activité au sein de différentes commissions. Il sera pour cela intéressant de consulter en complément les archives électorales du CEVIPOF qui contiennent de nombreux tracts, affiches, professions de foi et bulletins de vote des élections de la Ve République dont une partie est numérisée et accessible en ligne

Jean Charbonnel a également été très engagé au sein des partis et clubs politiques gaullistes (UNR-UDT, UDR et RPR). Il fonde en 1976 la Fédération des républicains de progrès et préside, à partir de 2004, l’Association pour le renouveau du gaullisme et ses objectifs sociaux (ARGOS) qu’il transforme en la Convention des gaullistes sociaux pour la Ve République en 2008. Ce fonds contient notamment l’ensemble des Lettre d’ARGOS, diffusée entre 1998 et 2012, qui permettent d’avoir la vision de ce mouvement sur l’actualité politique de la France et de l’Europe. 

La richesse de ce fonds en fait une source principale pour les travaux sur l'histoire des institutions de la Ve République, les clubs et partis gaullistes mais également pour des recherches sur la francophonie, sujet cher à Jean Charbonnel.

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