A new Website for a new Project
  • A view of the Comacchio lagoons by G. ParrinelloA view of the Comacchio lagoons by G. Parrinello

Shifting Shores

Shifting Shores is a four-year project (2019-2022) funded by an Emergences grant from the City of Paris, Bureau de l’Innovation, and coordinated by assistant professor Giacomo Parrinello (Center for History at Sciences Po). It examines the historical links between social and natural processes that are responsible for contemporary coastal morphological changes, focusing on three retreating deltas in the Mediterranean: the Po (Italy), the Rhône (France), and the Ebro (Spain). Combining fluvial geomorphology, environmental history, and history of science, the project aims at analysing the alteration of sediment fluxes that connect deltas with their river basins, their causes and consequences, and the societal responses to these. This website will report about research activities and outcomes of Shifting Shores, including conferences, workshops, as well as articles and other written outputs. The blog section will also present some source material and discuss methodological stakes of this interdisciplinary project.

Joseph Bohling

Visiting Researcher in the fall
  • Joseph BohlingJoseph Bohling

Joseph Bohling is Associate Professor of History at Portland State University and a recent Visiting Fellow at the Remarque Institute at New York University. He received his doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley. 

A specialist in the history of twentieth-century France and Europe, Bohling is the author of The Sober Revolution: Appellation Wine and the Transformation of France (Cornell, 2018) and a series of articles on French capitalism in the twentieth century.

Bohling’s current work is a book titled Power to the Republic: The Oil Crisis and France’s Search for Energy Independence, 1969-1993. This project examines the emergence of new bodies of knowledge about energy and the political struggles that have led to a monumental restructuring of the energy sector since the 1970s. In response to the oil crisis, the French state invested heavily in the development of a vast nuclear energy infrastructure in order to shore up its dirigiste growth model. This nuclear gamble, wrongly assumed to be a strategy to free France from fossil fuels and the uncertainties of the world economy, is often interpreted as an example of French exceptionalism, the inevitable result of a monolithic state and of an innate interest in large technological projects. Bohling uses newly opened archives to put such stereotypes to rest. He tells a messier story of how France’s so-called “nucleocrats” were not omnipotent, nor was nuclear power the only energy path that French policymakers pursued. Instead, the expansion of France’s nuclear power infrastructure depended on the outcome of other public policy debates, whether related to rival energies, employment, transportation, national defense, regional development, environmental protection, or the Europeanization of the French economy. Power to the Republic is a social, environmental, and political history of this tumultuous energy transition.

 See Joseph Bohling page on the Portland State University website 

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Employment Opportunity: Assistant Professor, History, UMass Boston

Deadline: November 1, 2020
  • University of Massachusetts BostonUniversity of Massachusetts Boston

Assistant Professor

University of Massachusetts Boston
Boston, MA

The History Department at the University of Massachusetts Boston invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Modern European History, to begin September 1, 2021. A PhD in History is required. Candidates must demonstrate a strong commitment to scholarship, teaching, and department and university service, and must have an active research agenda. Candidates’ research fields must focus on 19th and/or 20th-century European History.

The search committee will be looking for teaching experience, as well as the ability to develop new undergraduate and graduate courses. The teaching load is 2-2 and includes teaching, advising, and supervising masters theses in the graduate program. The ability to teach undergraduate and/ or graduate courses in one or more of the following areas would complement existing department strengths: globalism, political history, environmental history, history of science or medicine, race, and/or LGBTQ history.

See more

The "Blue Pencil" of Censorship

International Interdisciplinary Conference (Junior Conference / CHSP)
  • International Interdisciplinary Conference (Junior Conference / CHSP)International Interdisciplinary Conference (Junior Conference / CHSP)

The Blue Pencil of Censorship: Controlling, Bypassing and Diffusing information in Non-Democratic Regimes in the 20th Century

International Interdisciplinary Conference (Junior Conference / CHSP)
Paris, France
October 2, 2020

CHSP - 56 rue Jacob, 75006 Paris - Salle du Traité


Programme (PDF, 70 Ko)

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Another crisis of the open society?

Webinar/Débat (APH)

Another crisis of the open society?
Historical perspectives on the politics of the COVID 19 pandemic

APH-SoG webinar, 17 September 2020 (13,00-14,45 CET)

Webinar and debate organized by the Association for Political History (APH) and the LUISS School of Government (SoG) with Beatrice de Graaf (Utrecht University), Irène Herrmann (University of Geneva) and Richard Vinen (King's College London).

This webinar organized by the Association for Political History (APH) and the LUISS SoG offers historical perspectives on the politics of the COVID 19 pandemic, focusing on the limits and contradictions of direct democracy, transboundary cooperation, and emergency policy in pandemic times.

This is the first in a series of events to discuss dimensions and challenges of political history and will be followed shortly by the webinar and debate "Nutzen und Nachteil revisited" (September 25) on the use of applied history (mail for a Zoomlink before 23 September).

En savoir plus sur l'événement (EN)

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