Three professors invited to CHSP in November
Three professors invited to CHSP in November
Ota Konrad (photo on the left) is an associate professor of modern history and director of the Modern history Ph.D. program at Charles University in Prague. Currently, he is a Research Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the Institute of East and Southeast European History at the Munich University (from February 2021 to February 2022). He was the head of the Department of German and Austrian Studies at Charles University from 2012 until 2019 and a visiting professor (Vertretungsprofessor) at the University in Regensburg in the spring term of 2018. He has worked on topics dealing with the history of the humanities, history of foreign policy, WWI history in central Europe, cultural history of violence, and contemporary Austrian history. In his current research project, he focuses on domestic violence and its contexts in post-1945 West Germany and Czechoslovakia as a tool for analyzing the complex postwar societal and political reconstruction.
Contact: / Correspondant: Guillaume Piketty
Simon Levis Sullam (middle photo) is Associate Professor of Modern History at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Italy. He was trained and has spent research and teaching periods in Italy, the United States, France and the United Kingdom. He was a Research Associate at the Italian Academy for Advanced Studies of Columbia University NYC, an Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow and Visiting Lecturer at UC Berkeley, a Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow at the European University Institute in Fiesole, a Leverhulme Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. His many publications include: Giuseppe Mazzini and the Origins of Fascism (Palgrave 2015); The Italian Executioners. The Genocide of the Jews of Italy (Princeton University Press 2018); Jews, Liberalism, Antisemitism. A Global History (co-edited with A. Green, Palgrave 2020).
Thomas Zeiler - Fulbright Specialist (photo on the right) is a Professor of History and Director of the Program in International Affairs at the University of Colorado Boulder. He specializes in American history, focused on diplomacy and economics, globalization, baseball and sports, and World War II. His current research and forthcoming book is Capitalist Peace: A History of American Free Trade Internationalism, to be published by Oxford University Press. Tom has served as the editor of the journal of record of his field, Diplomatic History, served as President of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR), and as a member of the Department of State’s Historical Advisory Committee, and has lectured widely abroad, including holding Fulbright fellowships in Argentina, Japan, and France.
Five-year postdoctoral position in International Sports History at the University of Lausanne (100%)
Five-year postdoctoral position in International Sports History at the University of Lausanne (100%).
Candidates should not hesitate to apply and to make a date, as this contract 1+2+2 years may become available at any time for a second bid.
- Half of the working time is devoted to personal research work
- One quarter to participation in teaching
- One quarter to the scientific animation of the Center for Olympic Studies & Globalisation of Sport (CEO&GS) as well as the participation in the management of the Institute and the Faculty
Expected start date in position : 01.02.2022
Deadline for submission : 01.12.2021
See details here:
In English:
In French :
For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Patrick Clastres
EUI HEC PhD Call for applications 2022-2
l’Institut Universitaire Européen ouvre comme chaque année sa campagne de recrutement à son programme doctoral. La date limite de candidature est fixée au 31 janvier 2022.
Pour mémoire, ce programme prévoit un financement de 4 ans pour des travaux en histoire moderne et contemporaine mais aussi en histoire des sciences et de la médecine.
Une série de rendez-vous de présentation est prévue en novembre et décembre, ouverte à tout·es mais sur inscription. N’hésitez pas à faire circuler ce message à toute personne susceptible d’être intéressée.
This year, the EUI’s Department of History and Civilisation are organizing a series of live interactive webinars in which prospective applicants will be able to find out more about the History PhD programme, by talking directly to its faculty and its researchers. After a short introduction to the EUI and the department, participants will be able to discuss and ask questions regarding the PhD, life at the EUI, in Florence and more.
3 November at 14:30 CET with Professors Giancarlo Casale and Benno Gammerl:
24 November at 15:00 CET with Professors Lucy Riall and Giorgio Riello:
1 December at 15:00 CET with Professor Nicolas Guilhot:
14 December at 15:00 CET with Professor Glenda Sluga:
EUI History and Civilisation PhD programme:
EUI PhD programme general information:
Applications are open from 1st November 2021 until 31st January 2022
Three Post-Doctoral Research Grants / Universidade nova de Lisboa
Scientific field: History
The tender is now open for the attribution of three Post-Doctoral Research Grants under the auspices of the Research Unit Institute of Contemporary History and supported in the UIDP/04209/2020 funding, financed by national funding through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) in accordance with the following conditions...
Assistant Professor un United States History / Montreal University
Assistant Professor in United States History / Department of History / Faculté des arts et Sciences, Université de Montreal.
The Department of History invites applications for the full-time, tenure-track position of Assistant Professor in United States History.
The appointed candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses, supervise graduate students on subjects related to American history, be active in research, publishing, and the dissemination of knowledge, and contribute to the activities of the University.
Affiliated with the Department of History, the successful candidate will be half time with the Faculty graduate program in International Studies.