Call Announcement Postdoc Fellowships in Global History and Governance (SSM in Naples)

Deadline: August 31, 2021

The Scuola Superiore Meridionale at the University of Naples Federico II, Napoli (Italy) has just published two calls for 36 postdoc fellowships. Six of them are in the Global History and Governance program.

Call Announcement (PDF, 70 Ko)

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Call for expression of interest - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships

Deadline: 5 July 2021

Call for Expression of Interest - Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF)

In the past few years the Centre for History of Sciences Po (hereinafter CHSP) has successfully acted as a host institution for the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowships awarded by the European Commission. In 2020, two Fellows were granted the fellowship.

The 2021 call for these Fellowships has been published by the European Commission with an application deadline of 12 October 2021 (17:00 CEST).

Read the call.

The CHSP welcomes expressions of interest from potential candidates and organizes a pre-selection with a deadline of 5 July 2021 (24:00 CEST).

Candidates should ensure that they fulfill the conditions of eligibility and send an expression of interest to the CHSP (

Application file should include the following elements:
1. Personal data
2. A short CV
3. A two-page research proposal
4. A short statement explaining why the candidate has chosen the CHSP as host institution and indicating the name(s) of CHSP professor(s) who could supervise the research.

The CHSP will decide whether to support the application on the basis of an internal academic evaluation and the availability of appropriate supervision.

Candidates will be informed of the result of the pre-selection by mid-July. The selected
candidates will be offered scientific and administrative supervision in the preparation of the

Read the Call Marie-Curie 2021 in PDF, 95 Ko

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Call for Papers | "Decolonize this!?"

Call for papers | "DECOLONIZE THIS!?"

It is envisioned as a special collection in Global Perspectives on the positions, contributions, potentials, and limitations of the decolonization debate in the social sciences and the humanities. Payal Arora, Sara Curran, Julian Go, and Hagen Schulz-Forberg have kindly agree to edit the collection.

With this collection, and in line with our objectives of Global Perspectives, we take on one of the most contested and complex debates in the academy today. We do so hoping that we will be able to advance our understanding of the issues involved and help point the way forward in terms of research agendas.
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Appel à manifestations scientifiques : "Histoire du Temps Présent" - Univ. de Chicago à Paris

Date limite : 1er septembre 2021
Pour renforcer ses liens avec les institutions universitaires françaises, favoriser les échanges internationaux entre chercheurs, offrir un cadre à la recherche et une visibilité au public, le Centre à Paris de l’Université de Chicago lance un appel à manifestations scientifiques.

Les projets lauréats bénéficieront du soutien de l’Université de Chicago qui se chargera de la communication de l’événement et de la gestion des inscriptions, assurera l’accueil des participants et accompagnera le bon déroulement de la rencontre. Un soutien financier est possible jusqu’à 1000€.

Critères d’éligibilité :

• Événement qui aurait lieu dans nos locaux entre le 1er janvier 2022 et le 31 mars 2022

• Manifestation à caractère scientifique : conférence, colloque, symposium, workshop...
• Événement ouvert au public
• Thème entrant dans l’axe de recherche « Histoire du Temps Présent » 

Dossier à envoyer avant le 1er septembre 2021 (Formulaire à télécharger)

• Format de la manifestation
• Titre
• Noms des coordinateurs et affiliations
• Intervenants et communications (pré-programme)
• Date souhaitée
• Texte de présentation
• Montant sollicité (budget détaillé)

Retrouvez toutes ces informations sur cette page.

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Call for Papers: "Students and sports"

Deadline : July 15, 2021

The Institute of Sport Sciences of the University of Lausanne (ISSUL), the GERME (Groupe d'études et de recherche sur les mouvements étudiants - Study and Research Group on Student Movements) and the Cité des mémoires étudiantes (Paris) are launching a call for papers for a two-days international conference devoted to the history of male and female students and Sport.

The first conference will be held in Paris on Tuesday, November 16th, 2021, and the seconde at the University of Lausanne on Wednesday, June 1st 2022.

Submission deadline : July 15, 2021 (extended sumission deadline)

Proposals can be submitted in French or in English and should be sent by email to

For more information, please contact :

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