The political life of Jean Charbonnel

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  • Fonds Jean CharbonnelFonds Jean Charbonnel

Illustration : Agendas personnels de Jean Charbonnel, 1973, Fonds Jean Charbonnel, CHA5. Centre d’histoire de Sciences Po – Archives d’histoire contemporaine. Tous droits réservés.

La vie politique de Jean Charbonnel à travers son fonds d’archives

L’ouvrage dirigé par Gilles Le Béguec et Jérôme Pozzi, Jean Charbonnel. Un intellectuel gaulliste en politique, Nouveau monde, avril 2021, évoque la carrière de Jean Charbonnel sous ses différentes facettes. Le fonds Jean Charbonnel conservé aux Archives d’histoire contemporaine (AHC) permet de suivre sa carrière politique notamment par sa collection d’agendas allant de 1963 à 2013 mais également par ses nombreux dossiers de travail.

Jean Charbonnel a occupé des fonctions variées au sein de plusieurs gouvernements. On peut notamment consulter les dossiers relatifs à ses déplacements en tant que secrétaire d’État aux Affaires étrangères chargé de la coopération (1966-1967) et les documents concernant son poste de ministre du Développement industriel et scientifique (1972-1974) dont ceux qui traitent de l’affaire LIP, entreprise d’horlogerie, de mécanique et d’armement en difficulté, comme l’illustre le communiqué annoté du 9 août 1973.

Il est également possible d’étudier ses fonctions électives locales de maire de Brive (1966-1995) et de député de Corrèze et son activité au sein de différentes commissions. Il sera pour cela intéressant de consulter en complément les archives électorales du CEVIPOF qui contiennent de nombreux tracts, affiches, professions de foi et bulletins de vote des élections de la Ve République dont une partie est numérisée et accessible en ligne

Jean Charbonnel a également été très engagé au sein des partis et clubs politiques gaullistes (UNR-UDT, UDR et RPR). Il fonde en 1976 la Fédération des républicains de progrès et préside, à partir de 2004, l’Association pour le renouveau du gaullisme et ses objectifs sociaux (ARGOS) qu’il transforme en la Convention des gaullistes sociaux pour la Ve République en 2008. Ce fonds contient notamment l’ensemble des Lettre d’ARGOS, diffusée entre 1998 et 2012, qui permettent d’avoir la vision de ce mouvement sur l’actualité politique de la France et de l’Europe. 

La richesse de ce fonds en fait une source principale pour les travaux sur l'histoire des institutions de la Ve République, les clubs et partis gaullistes mais également pour des recherches sur la francophonie, sujet cher à Jean Charbonnel.

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[Recruitment] Professor of History, specialist in social and political History of the 20th and 21st Centuries withe a focus on Europe

Deadline: 04 mars 2021
  • Etudiants avec masques dans l’amphithéâtre, rentrée 2020. Thomas Arrivé / ScPoEtudiants avec masques dans l’amphithéâtre, rentrée 2020. Thomas Arrivé / ScPo


Application Deadline : 04 March 2021

▸ Job Description (PDF, 117 Ko)

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Wed, 17 February 2021 - Cambridge Middle East History Group | M'hamed Oualdi in conversation with Arthur Asseraf

Online Event

Please join us as M'hamed Oualdi (Sciences Po Paris) discusses his new bookA Slave Between Empires: A Transimperial History of North Africa (Columbia University Press, 2020)with Arthur Asseraf (Cambridge).

M’hamed Oualdi is full professor of History at Sciences Po, and a historian of early modern and modern North Africa. Trained in Arabic at Inalco-Paris and in History at the Sorbonne University (Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne), he previously held positions at Princeton University (2013-2019) and Inalco-Paris (2010-2013). His research has centered on two main topics: on slavery and its social impacts on Ottoman Tunisia and on the many effects of transitioning from the Ottoman rule to a French colonial domination in North African societies.

Arthur Asseraf is Lecturer in the History of France and the Francophone World at Cambridge. A historian of modern France, North Africa, and information, he is the author of the award-winning Electric News in Colonial Algeria (2019).

For security reasons we kindly ask you not to share the Zoom link on social media platforms or with third parties.

▸ Register


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Society for Italian Historical Studies - SIHS Article Prize for Modern Italian History

Deadline: Before June 1 2021

The SIHS Article Prize for Modern Italian History will be awarded to the best English-language, peer-reviewed journal article made public (either in published form or on a “FirstView platform”) in the calendar year 2020 on Italian history broadly defined by an early career author. The time period for “modern” includes any time period from the Napoleonic Wars to today. Geographical scope and disciplinary methodology are defined in the broadest possible terms. Early career refers to anyone who is in the process of completing their PhD or anyone who was within six years of completion when the article was made public. Only members of the Society of Italian Historical Studies (SIHS) will be considered.

To apply, send a PDF version of the published or FirstView article, along with a one-page PDF version of your CV (indicating when your PhD was or will be completed) to the SIHS prize committee at no later than June 1 of the current year. The prize consists of a $100 monetary reward, as well as a feature on the SIHS website including comments on why the article was selected and an interview with the author published on the SIHS website.

The award will be presented at the annual SIHS meeting at the American Historical Association in January 2022.

Society for Italian Historical Studies (see more)

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ANR ReLRace | Post-Doctoral Fellowship

Deadline: 2022/01/05

The Postdoctoral Researcher is recruited to work more specifically in Axis 2 of the program. The requested profile is a specialist in the history of Islam, who should be familiar with Scriptural sources in Arabic.
In addition to an in-depth knowledge of the work already carried out in the framework of the ReLRace programme, the candidate will be assessed upon the following elements:

  • He/she should show a thorough understanding of the genealogical patterns of peoples in the different Muslim traditions and their possible use for exclusion or relegation within the ummah.
  • He/she should have a thorough knowledge of the applications of the notion of divine election in Islam, as well as its implications in the structuring of lineages.
  • He/she should be able to identify and analyse the reciprocal influences between ‘raciology’ and Muslim traditions in structuring racial conceptions in Muslim worlds.
  • He/she should be able to assess the views and possible relations between Sunni Islam and denominations claiming to be Islamic, especially among the African American population (Moorish Science Temple of America, Nation of Islam...) and around racial issues.

He/She may conduct his/her own work but will be expected to participate in the coordination of collective research particularly around the production of the collaborative and collective database of the programme.

[read more]


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