Home>Bruno Latour Fund : Call for applications for postdoctoral fellowships
Bruno Latour Fund : Call for applications for postdoctoral fellowships
Sciences Po is launching a call for applications for postdoctoral fellowships as part of the Bruno Latour Fund, a
postdoctoral research program on environmental and climate transformations.
Ambitious in its scope, this scientific program hosted at Sciences Po in Paris aims to host early-career social
scientists wishing to participate in a collective and multidisciplinary initiative on how ecological and climate crises
are reshaping the contemporary economic, social, legal and political order, and how they invite us to
reconsider our history.
These postdoctoral contracts, lasting 36 months each, will be filled in according to the following process:
- Applications to be sent no later than April 25, 2023.
- Auditions in June 2023
- Start of the contract in Fall 2023
The remuneration is about 3.400 € gross per month. Successful candidates will be assigned to one of Sciences
Po's research centers (see list below), according to their wishes and with the agreement of the center, thus
benefitting from its working environment. Each candidate will receive a personal research fund of 5,000 euros for
the duration of his/her contract.