Home>Call for Papers: "Students and sports"


Call for Papers: "Students and sports"

The Institute of Sport Sciences of the University of Lausanne (ISSUL), the GERME (Groupe d'études et de recherche sur les mouvements étudiants - Study and Research Group on Student Movements) and the Cité des mémoires étudiantes (Paris) are launching a call for papers for a two-days international conference devoted to the history of male and female students and Sport.

The first conference will be held in Paris on Tuesday, November 16th, 2021, and the seconde at the University of Lausanne on Wednesday, June 1st 2022.

Submission deadline : July 15, 2021 (extended sumission deadline)

Proposals can be submitted in French or in English and should be sent by email to sportunivcolloque@gmail.com

For more information, please contact : lidia.lesnykh@unil.ch