Home>Four doctoral candidates in the history of political thought, Uppsala


Four doctoral candidates in the history of political thought, Uppsala

call for four doctoral candidates within the new doctoral school in the history of political thought, Uppsala University 

The doctoral school consists of the departments of the history of ideas at Uppsala University, Stockholm University, Södertörn University and Gothenburg University, funded by the Swedish national research council for the doctoral cycle 2023–2027. The doctoral school will train a new generation of doctoral students in historical analysis of the political. We welcome applications addressing a wide area of research interests with relevance to the history of political thought, for instance: the histories of thinking the environment, intellectual histories of the market and political economy; the history of ideologies including, but not limited to, populism, neoliberalism and fascism; histories of memory, future, temporality and scale. We welcome a plurality of geographical scopes and chronologies. The working language is English. Ten positions are open, four at Uppsala.

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