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Historical Archives of the European Union
European Court of Auditors Postgraduate Research Grant Programme: Two research grants in the field of European public finance and EU budget, open to researchers from a wide range of disciplines, are available to conduct research at the HAEU in Florence. Deadline: 30 July 2021
European People’s Party Postgraduate Research Grant Programme: Researchers interested in the history, role and impact of Christian Democracy on decisive moments in the process of European integration are invited to apply for a research grant to study the primary sources held at the HAEU, at the EPP Group’s archives in Brussels and at the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) in Sankt Augustin - Bonn. Extended deadline: 30 June 2021
International Visegrad Fund Research Grant Programme on European integration: The grant programme provides young researchers from the IVF’s member states, the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership region with new research opportunities at the HAEU in Florence. 2nd round deadline: 31 October 2021
Vibeke Sørensen Research Grant Programme: The programme, set up in 1993 with the support of the European Commission, aims to encourage research on the history of European integration and of EU institutions based on primary sources held at the HAEU in Florence. 2nd round deadline: 30 June 2021
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